So for those who have been following I have I have gotten a clean bill of health from my MD's the surgeon will hopefully clear me to go back to working out this week. I am still a little achy but it's not a torn muscle and not a tear at my surgery site....It's just a muscle strain. So then I will be able to go back to the gym... I't great, I'm gotta train now for my 5k....RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!
Zombie 5K in Pittsburg... All signed up....LOVE ALL OF YOU
Thanks for the well wishes
Zombie 5K in Pittsburg... All signed up....LOVE ALL OF YOU
Thanks for the well wishes
The investigations fortunately won't really have a direct effect on me or my department since they all are looking at the sales organization. Not that big a deal and it's not like the feds are going to come in and talk with me either.
The really odd part of it all though is that earlier this month I thought about it and became concerned about the company's long term prospects - based on how things are going, things did not look good 2-5 years from now. That's kinda the downside to smaller companies - you know everyone and it's a nice place but not as stable as a large company. Fortunately time is on my side since they haven't even found a buyer yet. Once that happens there will be a few months before things transition and layoffs begin so fortunately it's not like I will walk in tomorrow and be told that I'm no longer needed.