So I've been busy and not around, I hate busy, I got one grade in and waiting for my other 2 to come in so my summer I can relax until my internship starts in September. I need to relax so if anybody has any recommendations on what to do to help me relax please feel free to let me know. So far I decided to go to Philly for cheesesteaks with a couple of friends. I think I am going to Great Adventures in a week or 2 also, I'm driving cause well cause i drive and my car fits 4 extra ppl. hmmm I should invite people. O well besides this I need a vacation. WHere should i go What should I do Any advice....Help!!!!
More Blogs
I'm in a multi
So I'm in a multi that went up for New Years on @taystee page I ho… -
My first set
OMG! So my set shot by @azera was accepted and will be going up … -
You make my heart beat so fast. I'd be happy if I could have just… -
A Toss Up
The homework set by @rambo and @missy was what super power would I … -
This is the first time I'm doing a SG homework assigned by @missy a… -
New Stuff
So craziness.... I went to the NYC shootfest I loved it. I learned… -
Need to be more active on this site.
I will be shooting a set with other hopefuls in NYC. I am very exci… -
I'm really upset. Something happened with my account and I had to … -
Hating the new site!!!
Happy New Year everyone! I've been crazy busy at my new job & … -
Friday Aug 16, 2013
Sitting waiting for my car that needed new brakes an oil change & a r…
2-take tons of pics of urself send em to me
3-get another tat.
4-hot tub hot tub hot tub.
5-take tons more pics of urself and send em to me.
6-beer pong
uhhhh more advice to come lol