How happy is the blameless vestals lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind;
each prayer accepted and each wish resigned.
- Alexander Pope
Damn, It doesn't feel like a long time since my last post but time does no lie. Right now I am jamming to Pedro the Lion.

Valentino wins the rider's championship in MotoGP. A very commendable effort considering the odds he had to overcome within the season. This will be one of the most memorable seasons I've witnessed thus far.
Creative Barriers

For a while now it's been difficult to translate ideas onto a specific medium. I have vague concepts but attempts to express them is not working how I hoped for. Frustating? Yes. This too has been going on for several months. About the same time I came back from Korea.

Interesting how everything in a person's life can effect each other facet that...
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Sounds like a plan. I am back so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I will let you know when the next SG Colorado Springs get together is. Until next time...
The fog may be clearing out

After comtemplating for a few moments I will try to make sense of what I am feeling. It's bugging me enough to try to rid these random but important issues before going to bed. I am going to try hard to get my life a little stable. There is a huge amount of topics bothering me but I have...
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It is close to two in the morning. Attention is blurred by an array of confusion. Not exactly sure what I am confused about but nothing seems to make sense. The more thought I put into it the more I don't want to understand or comprehend what exactly is going through me. It feels that I am not content with how things are going...
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Beyond the fog

Man, it's been a while since I put in a strong entry. I've been working a whole lot since my last true post on the 22nd of last month. A lot has happened since then but during my limited off-time away from work, this cat wasn't too keen on typing about himself. Then again at times I felt like sharing but I...
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Searching for you

It's almost one o' clock in the afternoon, in which I just woke up close to twenty minutes ago from the start of this entry. Yesterday I got up to hang out with Clint. Problem was that my order for the MotoGP documentary, Faster, came in the mail. Couldn't help but be drawn to watching it, I ended up watching a...
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the dumbest thig I've heard today: i'm not shallow when i look at guys...but if i was a guy then i'd be shallow w/ girls
That is dumb. Guys get blamed for everything. J/K. Let's meet sometime...Until next time...
Listening to music eyes closed

It's been a long hard day. I've worked another double and my body feels briddle. The amount of work has been immense but it's all over. Currently sitting and chatting with long time friend Wayne.

Ever since the summer started he's been in Alaska working. Things seem to be going his way. Wayne has plans on saving money to move...
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I woke a bit early Friday. Slightly lazy I sat around for a few moments after waking up to finally toast some instant waffles. After eating, I got dressed and made way to UCCS to meet some friends to play ultimate frisbee. There are many people that I haven't seen or heard in a long time. Going on campus brought a splendid opportunity to...
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Kristen and I went to Phantom Canyons today. Hung out and drank a little bit. There is something about her that makes me smile. Today was another slow day but atleast I got to hang out with her. As for Friday, I might hang out with some friends from UCCS and play some football at the Four Diamonds.

I really can't wait to attend...
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Sounds like you are having fun with stuff. Industrial design is a really cool subject to study, I know some people in California who were studying it. I hope all goes well for you. Having a Colorado Springs SG people meeting tomorrow and would like you to go. It is at Pikes Perk and will be taking place at about 10:30am. Hopefully I will see you there. Hell, bring Kristen and make it a date eeek whatever . Until next time...