Is it really that bad?

I have not dated in close to two years. Before the 24 month period my girlfriend was Michele, the name that has been seen here and there within my journal from time to time. For almost four years we dated and never have I imagined us going our seperate ways. Until recently she has been in my life after a...
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Yesterday wasn't the most smoothest day but neither was the day before. It's almost three in the morning and I have to be at work in seven and a half hours. Haven't skated since Thursday and I yearning for it like a crack fiend fiending coke. Biaggi's has me on the schedule like noneother. Tired of clearing tables, images of skateboards and some killer...
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Thanks for the compliment on my new set. love wink
Jingle Jangle

Dang, I have to leave to work in about thirty minutes but it's all good though. Watching the Kenny Anderson part of the Hot Chocolate video. I can never get enough of this awesome skate video.

As for finding another job, yeah right, it definitely did not happen. Most of the time I spent was either hanging out , skating, movie watching, drawing,...
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What gives?

Five in the morning and I am on my computer. Damn, that's pretty lame considering how tired I am after all the yawning and narrow-eyed computer screen gazing I've been doing. After this entry slumber will be in my grasp.

First topic comes to mind is the Colorado SG group. I do not know anyone from this particular group yet something is urking...
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This is all I want to do

It is definitely time to purchase a new setup. I will be getting the Richard Mulder Chocolate Traveller series deck, with a set of Silver trucks along with some Ricta wheels running on some Bones Reds bearings. I can't wait. The bad thing is that it is snowing right now and will continue on and off until Wednesday....
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Satori Movement

I bought the Satori Movement a couple days ago. Did not bring it up because it never occured to me that it was never discussed. It's a very pure skatevideo in the sense that it really has a strong vibe of taking skateboarding where it came from, the streets. It is an inspiring video but only second to the Hot Chocolate video. Watching...
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Immersed in the moment as I listen to Jack Johnson's In Between Dreams album, instead of getting ready for work in ten minutes I rather spend my next ten typing up an entry. Fully aware of the reproccusions of being late I just don't give a whale's butt.

FatCity was a blast lastnight. Played multiple amount of games with my pals. Michele brought her...
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Over Crook

Even though it is about 2:30 in the morning I really want to go skateboarding. My deck is about to peace but I want to break the thing before buying a new tree. Might keep the trucks and wheels since those still have a lot of life in them.

Oh yes, my LRG jacket is so chill. Several of my friends want to...
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Hi-tech Assassin

Lastnight was a night I slept in my room since Wednesday. Felt nice to be back home sleeping in a familiar room. I dreamt a dream about being a ninja under hard times as a hired ninja assassin was killing off different clans. This assassin was a huge man, probably twelve feet tall and was a wall of solid muscle. His hand would...
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This past weekend I spent it in Glenwood Springs with three other people. It was nice to get away from Colorado Springs for a while but now my home is calling me. I am typing from a friend's house in Fort Collins. Actually it's my ex-girlfriend's whom I spent the weekend with in Glendwood.

The weather was simply georgous but didn't do too much...
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Catalina Sandino Moreno Full of Grace

Just got done watching Maria Full of Grace for the first time. Wanted to watch it long time ago but finally got to it today. Catalina Sandino Moreno should have won the Oscar for Best Actress. Considering this is her first movie it is a high accomplishment. Also Catalina Sandino Moreno is extremely attractive.