I went there to surprise my brother for his 21st birthday and let me just say never a dull moment.
When we got there all luggage was counted for ( not that i have bad luck) at baggage claim, and we took a shuttle to the rental car place at Denver International Airport. ( which is one of my favs to FLY into, Not fly OUT of) When we got to the rental car place we got signed in and come to find out the level of car we rented wasn't available, neither was the next step....so we got a Buick Enclave for the price of a mid size rental. ( go soccer mom rental car!) Good news is we car pooled EVERYWHERE! ha ha ha! We also got locked into a gas price that was about 75 cents less then gas was at the gas station. Woot! Now I don't have to worry about holding onto the fucking receipt for the gas fill up! Less is more people ha ha ha! But wait ...... We go out to put our luggage into the car, and ....ummmmmmm one of our bags are missing.....and it isn't just any bag, it has beanies I made for extra money and alllllllll my make up and my Halloween costume ( Which I never wore....more on that later)
When our customer service agent from Enterprise went to look for the bag, some customers saw that i was completely distraught, ummmmmm my make up hello!!!! They asked me if I was okay and I started crying...and they went out to look for the bag as well....GO NICE PEOPLE! And guess what! Someone accidentally took my bag and the gentleman who saw I was sniveling over a suitcase Walked up all stoic and returned my bag

My brother HAD no clue we were coming at all! As we were driving to Colorado springs we were in text with one of the most important people in his life Jodi....and she said she is barely keeping them from going to to the mall for wayne to buy a new hat. So we better haul ass. Ummmmm I am driving and there is no speeding.....especially when I am driving A: a rental car and B: in a different state...most states don't like us California drivers.
We got there and my brother saw me running up to the house, ( fail on my part to park somewhere OTHER than in front of the house) and he looked upset! He doesn't like surprises, especially this one , he made all kinds of plans for this week with no time for him to spend time with his sister, which was fine I was there to make sure he was drunk the whole time I was there and maybe teach him a thing or two about beer and different kinds of shooters. The guidance I never had ha ha ha!
We go to lunch at the mall ( hooters) and of course we try to embarrass the shit out of him. but little did we know he hula hoops quite well with balloons tied to his chest with nipples drawn on them, and couldn't stop till the happy birthday song was done. he did better than I would ever do....ha ha ha and he ordered his first Newcastle and I had a Blue Moon. WOOT wayne ordered his first beer. I had them try the ONLY thing I eat at hooters ( cause their wings suck) Fried Pickles. And they liked them we ended up eating two orders O.o and the wings just sat there on the table.
After the mall we chill out for a bit and then we go to Joe's Crab Shack. ( I am totally bummed at this point because my brother doesn't wanna go to the clubs or bars, due to having babies for friends, most of them....welll except for the parents and me and my sexier half....only one of his friends was over 21, and she didn't have an id.....lamesauce) Our hole table of 12 dropped over 400 dollars on food and thier nasty mixed drinks, which in my opinion we would have saved a couple of bucks had we A: gone to the bars or B: made them at home) but this isn't my birthday is it....ha ha ha ha Then we went to Jodi's house and they drank shooters, No idea what it was, but I didn't do them so it must have been gross. and they drank Captain Morgan and Mountain Dew. We all past out and the next day begins with coffee and laughing about the night before. In Hind sight I had a blast and hadn't laughed so hard around family, that i just needed to loosen up ha ha ha
I don't remember much from the next day.....and I don't know why. I think we went bowling....Maybe we hung out....OKAY NEXT DAY! Wednesday we went four wheeling, and I never had been. My brother his friend and Jodi ( the friends mother) all own Jeeps so we went up behind Woodland park and shredded up some dirt. My Sexier half got to see snow on Pikes peak and I got to see some rock crawling

Next day we went to some Wing place that you can play games at....like a little hand held game. whit the whole place and I had MY FIRST Black and Blue ( guennis (sp) and Blue Moon) And my brother hated it....doesn't like the dark stouts I guess....I thought it was super yummy! He ordered a fat tire....I suggested it....and guess what HE LOVED IT!!!!!
The 29th there was a fire, ( don't worry nothing with where we were staying just some random fire) and the 30th I got a tattoo, I didn't get my rib piece due to a long story and lets face it this one is getting long ha ha ha I got a leg peice which is kind of my play on the bro tat that most of the girls have out there ( Jodi, her daughter and CJ who is my brothers fiance) All of them are similar due to butterflies and stars, ( what a chick tattoo) but I put my own twist on it, due to being done so close to Halloween. And my obsession with candy skulls. There are pics all over my Facebook
the pics
On Halloween we had Hot butter rums and Rum and cokes, and played drinking games to Freddy VS Jason and day of the dead. Needless to say people couldn't walk much less talk ha ha ha! count on me to get people fucking wasted ha ha ha!
My sexier half got a tattoo and touch up on Halloween as well And she loves it. and the next two days we chilled out and watched tv played video games and hung out
The flight home was smooth, and we found a smoking section in the airport. WOOT! Not outside... INSIDE....and boy could you smell it. No map needed ha ha ha! Then when we landed took a shuttle to our car and hit the in and out and drove home to see our pups.
I start my NEW job on the 15th and signed paperwork FINALLY for the inheritance from the lawsuit, and there is possibly another one coming up Now to shower and get ready for my day
Later ninjas!
and I owe enterprise hundreds of dollars SHHH