Okay here I sit three hours before my set goes live. in bed I am watching and listening to Ghost Hunters. I like this show and so does Jodi. it is one of those shows we will always watch together, and make wagers on...( Any time Tango and Steve freak out it is normally one of two things....spiders or bats...) ha ha
First Preview Pic! Please view it and leave love ♥
I have had one hell of a week. I was house sitting in Camel CA for a bit the owners came home early due to freaking out about all the shit they needed to get done before THEIR huge trip to Israel! WOOT! Three weeks they are going to be gone. but.....the dog..... ::::pulls out hair::::: Hannah is this over weight rat terrier's name. And she is spoiled ROTTEN! As a trained professional groomer and dog trainer for fun and friends, I am not one to feed your dog table scraps. In fact I frown on it
So don't ask me to.
because my friends that is what happens. funny as the video is, they can't handle our rich food that we prepare ourselves. FOOD IS NOT LOVE! ha ha!
On to bigger and better things another teaser pic???? suuuuuureeeee!
Please don't think i am some kind of "DON"T FEED your dogs your food" person, My dogs are the worst and have NEVER seen a scrap....ha ha You would think in fact that I starved them the way they salivate for just a crumb of your chips you are about to enjoy. HA HA!
I have become a fan of waking up every morning with a smile on my face before I set my feet on the ground. I swear to you.....I am a different person because of it.
Things are unfolding at a pace I am not liking but you know what....no one can take away my sunsets and my new out look in life. I am me! I don't care if you don't like it. I need a job.
First Preview Pic! Please view it and leave love ♥
I have had one hell of a week. I was house sitting in Camel CA for a bit the owners came home early due to freaking out about all the shit they needed to get done before THEIR huge trip to Israel! WOOT! Three weeks they are going to be gone. but.....the dog..... ::::pulls out hair::::: Hannah is this over weight rat terrier's name. And she is spoiled ROTTEN! As a trained professional groomer and dog trainer for fun and friends, I am not one to feed your dog table scraps. In fact I frown on it
because my friends that is what happens. funny as the video is, they can't handle our rich food that we prepare ourselves. FOOD IS NOT LOVE! ha ha!
On to bigger and better things another teaser pic???? suuuuuureeeee!
Please don't think i am some kind of "DON"T FEED your dogs your food" person, My dogs are the worst and have NEVER seen a scrap....ha ha You would think in fact that I starved them the way they salivate for just a crumb of your chips you are about to enjoy. HA HA!
I have become a fan of waking up every morning with a smile on my face before I set my feet on the ground. I swear to you.....I am a different person because of it.
Things are unfolding at a pace I am not liking but you know what....no one can take away my sunsets and my new out look in life. I am me! I don't care if you don't like it. I need a job.
good luck with it!