Hey guys I know I have been out forever, new quarter at school...I came up short money wise just about every way you can and I had to spend my almost all harley savings just to go to school. ive been super busy, getting ready to move to down to campus which will be so great for me. after I move on july 9th, hopefully i will have my inet set up soon, we will see, im not sure how much i will be on till then. kelly janice, give me a call...sorry we haven't gotten together yet and i missed those days, alisa i will try and stop by ur work, i miss you bunchs. good news---my boy got an excellent digital camera so i should have some more pics coming up soon. i hope so...may not be till after my move but we will see, lately i feel so bogged down with everything i have to do i haven't even thought about what i want to do. anyways, kisses to all i hope you all are doing great
Hope you made it home OK!
Backseat driving just isn't my style.
And I have a screwy sense of direction. It's more of a "we'll get there someway, somehow" rather than the normal "we'll go THIS way because it's the RIGHT way".