I am gettin some much needed time at home when it is actually light outside. So am I using it to write my World Changes paper or traslate Latin, or study for midterms next week. Hell no. I am on SG listening to cd101 because essential artist month kicks ass (I was so happy they put the Ramones on there). I better watch out for myself at work today because I was a total bitch in class this morning and I don't need to make everyone hate me at my job on my last week. But in class I was standing at the board where I had written my terribly translated Latin (at least I tried) and everyone else was just copying down my work cause they were too lazy to do it themselves. I got so mad and swore I would always do the work but never write it on the board. Then I asked the prof if he was going to pick up our hw- he asked the class if they wanted him to and everyone said no, but bitchy me pipes up "Well I actually went home and did the work so I would like to get credit for it." So now the whole class prolly hates me but they look boring anyways and at least I am getting credit for the work I did at 6 am since I was hanging out at Dans all last night.
But yeah, aside from being bitchy this morning I was mean to my mom last night just cause our schedules aren't working out and I want my hair touched up. I was making a bigger deal of it then needed be, but there is a big courrier (excuse my terrible spelling) race this weekend and like every ex my boy has ever had is gonna be there and excuse me for not wanting 2 inch roots.
Ahh, like I said I need to chill a little. On the good side Dan started snaping some polaroids this weekend so we can find a style we like for my pics so that is good! I also just got the middle of my lip pierced w/ a labret spike and it looks great except for the fact that its pretty bruised (can someone tell me if this is normal??). My new Little Prince star tattoo is starting to peel so I am really trying to leave it alone.
OK I have procrastinated long enough on my school work I want to have some time to work on my friend and I's new clothing line idea before I work. But I am gettin on SG more which is my goal..I don't really have the time but I'm makin it.
Good luck to me on being nice to people today...
But yeah, aside from being bitchy this morning I was mean to my mom last night just cause our schedules aren't working out and I want my hair touched up. I was making a bigger deal of it then needed be, but there is a big courrier (excuse my terrible spelling) race this weekend and like every ex my boy has ever had is gonna be there and excuse me for not wanting 2 inch roots.
Ahh, like I said I need to chill a little. On the good side Dan started snaping some polaroids this weekend so we can find a style we like for my pics so that is good! I also just got the middle of my lip pierced w/ a labret spike and it looks great except for the fact that its pretty bruised (can someone tell me if this is normal??). My new Little Prince star tattoo is starting to peel so I am really trying to leave it alone.
OK I have procrastinated long enough on my school work I want to have some time to work on my friend and I's new clothing line idea before I work. But I am gettin on SG more which is my goal..I don't really have the time but I'm makin it.
Good luck to me on being nice to people today...

maybe we can hang out sometime? i get out there to columbus pretty often actually. or you should come out to troy for my next punk nite show, its saturday june 5th. do you have instant messenger?