Well i kinda feel into oblivion the past few days. Alot of school work, a pretty nasty break up, friends, family and work tend to do that to a person. whatever
does oblivion know about this?
I'm not too sure what to think about that...
Well today sucked soooo much ass.
I started school agian. (5AM-12) which sucks soo much after being off for a month and being able to sleep late.
It sucked worse cuz i had a massive H/W assginment that i only now finished. Well im tired time to crash Night pplz
Pz robot
Cant sleep again frown
Idk it just seems like this time of year is the worst for me, with valentines day coming up and me being alone.
Besides that I had a pretty decent day. Watched a few movies, surfed on the internet and slept.
well Im out to go watch some Tv and hopefully drift to sleep
Pz robot ooo aaa
fuck valentines. i got knocked up the day before that stupid shit then spent it alone. fuck it. hate it like me ok?!
thank you, dear smile

not being able to sleep is horrible.
Wow what a blast from the past.
I was sooo bored and decided to watch some tv, and what i found was "Good Burger" biggrin That movie was sooo good back in the day.
well imout to watch some more tv.
Pz robot
hahaha at good burger

and btw i know i'm awesome. no applause needed.
but maybe i shiny metal award thingy biggrin
well tonight sucked.
Pplz pissed at me wasn't very fun
Snow sucks.
Still lonely.
Cant sleep tonight frown
Another lonely night of wishing someone would be here to hold me. Oh well whatever Im sure someone wil come along to ease my pain. Well im goan go now and try to get some sleep and hopefully succed.
G Night

yeah...me too...being home alone on a friday night is sooo fuckin' lame...i'm feeling really pathetic right about now.
Well today is very boreing cuz i gota clean up my room its getting quite messy. Well ill be back later and maby have somethign interesting to update with.

My Group

Pz robot
Hey all
I jsut wanted to welcome a friend of mine to the SG community Pubefacemcgee smile
yehhh nicca blackeyed

blackeyed my ass, that's a pirate.

yo north 13th got that hot fire man
we smoke that hot fire!

ARRR!!! oh heres a pirate rofl

ARRR!!! ARRR!!! blackeyed ARRR!!! blackeyed ARRR!!! blackeyed ARRR!!! ARRR!!!
Well im im still in the process of looking for someone to hook up with. Its funny cuz I have never met this many new and interesting people in my life. smile I love this site and am glad i found a niche that works for me.
Well Im fairing much better today than last night. Thx to everyone who showed there support and comforted me when i needed it the most. Anyways just chillin out today playing in the snow biggrin which is fun.