Procrastination is my middle name...and yes I did spend about six months in a religious community in California..would love to tell u about it sometime!
JD... Jack Daniels on the Rocks... Second official blog! YEA YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAA
For those of you who don't know, here in Ontario it's FAMILY DAY longweekend!!! I'm personally excited for it given the last couple of weeks, just on the road, workin, hustlin (not as in drugs or crap) it's well needed just getting that extra time to do you...
Already got the weekend started yesterday,... Read More
I figured I should finally write something... kinda feeling like a dirty creeper being a member and all looking at pictures like a dirty dirtbag haha but not providing my side of things, my view on things...
I'm pretty chill, cool and down to earth... But very opinionated on a lot of issues, say it how it is, even if it's inconvenient for people to... Read More