I want to apologive for the utter shittiness of my first 3 posts so far on SG. I don't know what I was thinking. And I wish I had known that I bought a queercore cd today, geez, it sounded like old R.E.M. Now look, I have nothing against gays or anything, but all of the songs on the CD are about golden showers and shit like that. No thank you, boys. From now on I will try to post interesting record lists and odd or funny muesings. I know no one cares about this shit because i'm not a suicide girl and thus no one would want to talk to me, but this is my forum so fuck off and take it!
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 16, 2004
Well, i'm back! A lot has gone down in the last 9 months, but for … -
Monday Feb 02, 2004
Back from relative obscurity!!!!!!!!! Hey everybody, so far 2004 i… -
Wednesday Dec 17, 2003
Suicide Girls is really boring right now, I might not renew my subscr… -
Thursday Dec 04, 2003
Hey Gang, Well last weekend is in the past and I am now officiall… -
Saturday Nov 29, 2003
So the White Stripes show was...interesting.... In other news. b… -
Tuesday Nov 25, 2003
Oh man, Dillinger Escape Plan and the Locust are coming to St. Andrew… -
Tuesday Nov 18, 2003
Man, I gotsta finds me a sugar momma to pay fo my tattoo... Oh s… -
Monday Nov 10, 2003
What a fun ass week! Highlights: Tuesday: I bought 50 cds and … -
Saturday Nov 01, 2003
I saw Michael Moore last night at Eastern! Awesome! *** and ***… -
Monday Oct 27, 2003
Radiohead was wrong... Meeting People Isn't Easy... But then ag…
That's it, I fucking give up!
This is what happens when the idiots who usually don't vote go and vote, you wind up with fucked up shit like this. My parents wonder why I am always angry, well with shit like this happening, how could I not be, I mean Jesus Christ!!!
Mainly, I blame the media, as usual, for mind fucking everybody, as usual, for focusing on Arnie and Arnie alone 24/7. If there is one thing I hate more then politics and politicians, it is the fucking "liberal" media. LIBERAL!!!!! How far up your ass is your head Bill O'Reilly!?! Goddamn Cocksucer! Man, I hate that fucker. Calling the media in this country liberal is like calling Fred Durst a genius. You couldn't get farther from the truth.
See this is how it works kids. Giant corporations own all of the major media outlets: CNN, MSNBC, Fox News (*shudder*) and all of the rest. Thus, the corporations have a legitimized outlet for them to spin their agenda and make it look like news. And all you ignorant fuckers lap it up like the cum leaking out of a whore's asshole and ask for more. It is shit like this that is ruining this country.
The true patriots are those of us who refuse to put up with this bullshit and speak out!