i am on a guy pierce binge. i just saw momento again. it was just as sad as the first time i saw it.
i want a pair of heelys (rollies or sneakers with wheels). i think they are cool. i would love to wear them while shopping or walking to work.
im always laughing watching kids fall over on these
fall? i have never seen a single one fall here. it looks like so much fun. i want a pair. i just looked online and they do sell them in adult sizes. smile
nothing turns me off more than a man obsessed with his appearance. grooming is fine. grooming is a turn on. i don't mind "a metrosexual" but there are limits, imo. pedicure and manicures are fine. shaved pubes are fine. i don't like mustaches unless it is accompanied by a beard of some sort. i hate those flavor savor tuffs of hair under the lips. i...
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Transformers - i cannot wait to see this movie. i am so excited.

speaking of movies, i am trying to watch every dracula film ever made (well, the ones i can find to rent). i think it is time for another 'dracula' movie. a really good one this time around. one with out the kitsch. one with out winona ryder and her lucky charms dress......
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i cant wait for the new transformers movie
but it will never be as good as the original transformers movie

are you looking for dracula movies or vampires in general?
near dark is the best vampire movie ever

dracula. i love vampire movies but i think it is time bram stoker's story is told again in another film.
i was going to vent in this post. i don't know where to even begin. i tried writing in my journal and i can't even get the words out. i thought about writing a letter but how helpful would that be? i can be so patient and impatient. i am still deciding whether or not it is even worth it. i hate coming across certain...
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i haven't gotten any new piercings yet. i need to have my back finished before i can go back to aikido. i am feeling just awful for putting it off for so long and i miss my dojo. i don't regret the art and i love the work on my skin but i feel guilty about missing class. it is starting to haunt me.
i don't like games of any kind. i like trusting people. it is a comfort. i want to trust people who i am fond of. i don't like the feeling of finding out someone i counted on cannot be trusted. it is so unsettling and it makes me feel lonely.
hey hun
you ok?
i am looking into piercings. i don't know what has come over me. i really don't like how they feel. i enjoy getting tattoed. another thing with piercings is that you have to keep them clean or else they smell like old cheese. i have 9 earlobe piercings and i take my earrings out often to clean them. i can smell dirty piercings on other...
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i took all mine out 10 years ago. not tellin' you what to do, but i wouldn;t do it again.
happy st. p. day.

being lonely and feeling hungry are pretty much the same feeling.
Na hunger goes away when you eat. frown
spring is almost here and to me this means traveling to see concerts. unfortunately, it means traveling outside of buffalo to see concerts. maybe i will use all of my cash to cover every inch of naked flesh with tattoos. living in buffalo isn't expensive but i have not been able to find a glamorous marketing job or immerse myself in the local culture scenes...
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traveling for concerts is fun!!!!! i get to spend my summer drving for the warped tour! extra fun! biggrin