i have these two koi fish on my back with pretty lotuses at the bottom. it is unfinished. i don't want to go to the artist until i have some ideas of what to add to it. i want to get it finished before the new year. i have been thinking about what to add since june. i feel uninspired.
More Blogs
Monday Mar 17, 2008
what is this madness? is everyone going through bankruptcy these day… -
Wednesday Feb 27, 2008
it is so cold tonight. i can't sleep because of it. i love fall … -
Friday Dec 14, 2007
why can't life be simpler? i want things to be easy and stress free.… -
Monday Dec 03, 2007
i have these two koi fish on my back with pretty lotuses at the botto… -
Tuesday Nov 27, 2007
omg. i am still not done moving. the 1st is a couple of days away. … -
Saturday Nov 03, 2007
moving is a real pain in the toosh. i am so exhausted and thinking a… -
Thursday Oct 25, 2007
i signed on for another year. let's see what happens... -
Sunday May 27, 2007
i want a foo dog. i keep looking for images to get ideas on how i wa… -
Thursday May 24, 2007
i've buckled down and have become a strict calorie counter, again. i… -
Monday May 14, 2007
i dyed my hair black again and i don't know what to do with it...