im back in toronto livin down town right on queen st. yayayayaya i wanna party wiht all you toronto peeps yo haha
i have been mad busy getin back in the dance sceene here and gettin my feet wet ahh itz so much fun and i di a episode of talk show night for aux tv ill post up the vid once itz online. i gave a stomp lesson to the band THE JUCTION. it was fun.
i stoped drinkin pop and eating bad too and i started workin out everyday and ive lost 20 pounds haha itz NUTZ haha but FEEL GOOD FEEEL GOOOD
i got my lip tattoooed as well and it connects me to ONE very speacial girl you kno who you are haha. anywho enjoi live people
I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL anyone from t dot wana grab a drink anytime let me kno yo
i also started up my own bussness taching workshops for kids doin drumming stuff and body percusiion and ill be teaching classes all over the city so if you are interested let me kno

this is my buelly wiht a fake 8 pack drawn on on new years eve.. that whole gut is gone now woot wooot

being drunk and strong carrying two dudes wasssup

thats me teaching the band how to be cool haha

here is me on talk show night at juice box mannor for aux tv. if you dont watch this show start watching it itz bomb town haha
love you
im back in toronto livin down town right on queen st. yayayayaya i wanna party wiht all you toronto peeps yo haha
i have been mad busy getin back in the dance sceene here and gettin my feet wet ahh itz so much fun and i di a episode of talk show night for aux tv ill post up the vid once itz online. i gave a stomp lesson to the band THE JUCTION. it was fun.
i stoped drinkin pop and eating bad too and i started workin out everyday and ive lost 20 pounds haha itz NUTZ haha but FEEL GOOD FEEEL GOOOD
i got my lip tattoooed as well and it connects me to ONE very speacial girl you kno who you are haha. anywho enjoi live people
I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL anyone from t dot wana grab a drink anytime let me kno yo
i also started up my own bussness taching workshops for kids doin drumming stuff and body percusiion and ill be teaching classes all over the city so if you are interested let me kno

this is my buelly wiht a fake 8 pack drawn on on new years eve.. that whole gut is gone now woot wooot

being drunk and strong carrying two dudes wasssup

thats me teaching the band how to be cool haha

here is me on talk show night at juice box mannor for aux tv. if you dont watch this show start watching it itz bomb town haha
love you
oh tee roy... we r the same person lol
todo bien y tu??