how are all my fave people on the internet? haha so i am back in TORONTO livin on queen st. i love livin here all tho i am goin a bit crazy not being on tour haha .... anyone wanna go away? haha
i been workin alot gettin my bussiness goin.. if anyone knos anyone from schools like teachers or principals or people... Read More
i am the happist i ever been these days (im never really unhappy tho haha)
my bizz is kickin off dope i was up north getin some fresh air and i did a music vid for a wicked band called GREEN GO ( "Greeg Go MySpace" CLick here) dance band from toronto the vid will be soo sick when itz done. ill... Read More
im back in toronto livin down town right on queen st. yayayayaya i wanna party wiht all you toronto peeps yo haha
i have been mad busy getin back in the dance sceene here and gettin my feet wet ahh itz so much fun and i di a episode of talk show night for aux tv ill post up the vid once itz... Read More
so i moved back to TORONTOOO got m own place down town.. made a huge lifestyle change and i am soo happy ahhh i have started my own bussness and jus jumpin back in the dance world here hard core and lovein it ahhhh 2010 is BOMB
Mine got much lighter a few days later but its still pretty much visable.
Have ya any pict to sned me!?!?!
Im in milano recovering from the burger queen party last night and miles and miles walked at the tat convemntion yesterday and today.
Its been a blast
although i feel like i need a
How is your last week in EU goin so far?
Any premature hint that you will be missing all this sometimes soon?
Kinda strange you're goin to be oversea again.
Though im glad you decided to do your own things and achieve new goals in life.
I know you can and you will be the winner!