The ONE time I don't bring my camera, the dog park was actually PACKED. So many, beautiful, amazing dog of all ages. I encountered a Mastiff for the first time in quite a while. His name is Rocky. He was just this huge, sweet, cuddly teddy bear... with muscles. :) It is a shame: the owner said that a lot of people leave when they see her dog coming into the park because they see Rocky's size and assume that he is aggressive. Humans are the only species that are met with prejudice. Rocky was the absolute sweetest.
I always have the best time at the dog park, no matter how many (or few) dogs are there.
Unfortunately, the rest of the day wasn't as pleasant.
As a some of you know, I at one point was in an absolutely horrible marriage. He was/is an alcoholic and very emotional and physically abusive.
This isn't necessarily turn me off of alcohol. I am not really a drinker, but still enjoy a glass of merlot or a bottle a dark beer every few months or so. I honestly don't care if other people drink (and it is none of my business anyway).
But then there is the person that I am currently in a relationship with. While I don't believe his an alcoholic, I do believe that he is a bit excessive. I also believe that it drinking causes him problem when it comes to anger management, and dealing with past trauma. Mind you, I am not a mental health professional. This is just my opinion.
Well, we were invited to an barbecue by a good friend at the dog park who is also one of my Avon customers. Of course I knew there was would be alcohol, but I figure that he would not drink (or drink lightly) because I don't drive. I have issues with disorientation (especially at night, so I am just being responsible by not taking the chance.
Well he got way more intoxicated than either of us expected, so I DID have to drive. What a freakish experience. At night behind the wheel, I literally have NO idea where I am. Nothing looks familiar at all. I also have issues with absence seizures, and all it take is one second to get into an accident. Luckily we got home safe.
I had NO idea how much he drank. But there definitely Everclear, unbeknownst to me. He was very angry after we got home, but I had no idea why. He grandmother realized something was wrong.
After going back and forth with him and realizing it was going nowhere, I decided it was wise to go to bed. I have chronic insomnia, and I had been up for over 24 hours, which is not healthy for anyone, but certainly not some who has Bipolar Disorder.
So I had take my prescription and started to get ready to feed the dogs and go to bed.
Suddenly, my boyfriend opens the door and tells me that he is going to jail because a got phone call from the cops saying that someone call them saying he hit me with a mailbox. HUH???
The cops come. I cooperated with them of course. I respectfully explained to one of the officers that I was actually confused and I had no idea what this was about. I was in the bedroom and was not hit with a mailbox or anything else. He has never physically harm me, in fact. He shined a flashlight on me to check for bruises, which is understandable. He was just doing his just.
Derek's grandmother also talk to the cops. She was just as confused as I was. Who called the cops? What in the world they did think they saw when I wasn't in the same room as Derek??
Well, I just realized how long this blog has gotten so I am going to wrap it up. After the cops left, Derek started having seizures. He had alcohol poisoning. So he had to be rushed to the hospital.
I am going to end the blog here by saying that he is safe at home now (the next day), and understandably not feeling 100%. I just don't want to type anymore because I am tired as shit.
But I will talk about it more later. And don't worry, there well be more pleasant blogs to come. And more doggie pictures. :)
I hope that all of you are all doing well. I hope you all have a great weekend.