I know I have been quiet for a while, but it was because I had to think long about my future on this site.... and address the bullshit.
The internet is a cesspool, and I realize that in order to progress on SG, I am going to have to haunted by bullshit.
I really don't want to get into this right now, because it's not going to die no matter how many times I try to squash it.
But let's try again.
As far as my behavior on this site; I am actually clean, regardless of what you heard. I have a stack of papers marked by Central Intelligence et al to prove it.
I could have shut a lot of you up a LONG time ago; but unfortunately, my dumb self thought it was more important to make sure I didn't end up in federal prison than what was being said about me (or on my behalf) on a pin up site.
Silly me.
That's why I have the proof I am clean. In the process of proving that I have the hacking and theft skills of a field mouse, other moves were uncovered.
So plenty of people watch as very internet sites (and reputations) of my were tainted or destroyed. But unfortunately, if want to catch a their, you have to let them steal,. And besides some disabled women getting her internet world destroyed is not exactly the government.
So while yes, it was well known what was happening, and everything was monitored for the sake of pattern, they didn't have to do a damn thing to stop it.
To catch a thief... you also have to throw another people under the bus.
I still have the documents that back all this from beginning to end.
So not only do I have proof that I am not a terrorist or a danger to my country, I indirectly gained the proof that I am not an internet terrorist either.
Sorry, to disappoint you, but yeah. I mean, HELLO? How many times have I told ALL of you, that not only do not like a lot of negative attention, but I don't like confrontation??? Wouldn't being an internet douchebag cause both very uncomfortable to happen???
Oh wait, that's right. The people who made those accusations don't even know me in any sense of the word.
That's right.
And for the four geniuses who accusingly said that they look at my blog and it didn't bare any evidence of being hacked.
Word??? First of all, what made you an expert. Secondly, if you can tell something was hacked, wouldn't that mean the person did a shitty job. Ol' girl's goal was to humiliate me and make me feel like shit,...... oh yeah and send in prison.
How could you do all that if a non professional could look at your shit and tell it got hacked.
Seriously? Duh!
I love how got accused of making passive aggressive remarks in a group I never joined. And alarming and violent remarks in yet another group I never joined.
Not only was my computer, smartphone, and kindle fire already confiscated. And not only would I have been immediately arrested if I had been on the internet for any reason.
But guess what? In one situation I was clearly in Wal-mart the time the post was made because I snapped my glasses in half. The other situation happen while I was all the Reno seeing my Gyno.
Despite that fact, the IP addressees quite curiously showed that that the posts where made in my usually location. Which meant, that even if I had another computer in the house it wouldn't be a match. But.... uh, my computer was already confiscated, meaning I couldnt make the posts, even if I were home.
Figured out how she did it yet??? Just know that people like her exist all over, they are quite dangerous.
I could go on down the list, but I think you all get the point.
I thank everyone that seemed to back me up, but this blog isn't really for you. Obviously.
I don't care what the rest of you believe at this point. But from now, I would suggest that you use your heads.
You don't even know what my real name is. It is that easy to throw me under the bus, and spread lies because you "think" you know what's going on?
I can see it right here in my hands in black and white: not ONE of you blabber mouths, ever contacted me to see what was going on.
Alright fine, if that's they way you want to operate. It's your life. Make a fool of yourself. I don't care anymore.
But I'll tell you what: I paid for THIS account, just like you did. And I am keeping THIS account. I will not make a whole new account just because some of you think you are still in high school.
But like I said, we are all adults, so that is how I will treat you. I have taken your punches and kept my mouth shut. But next time I will just report you, simple as that.
So for the love of Odin and his son, THINK!!!! Use your brain before you go jumping to conclusions. You might be making an ass of BOTH of us, but I am the one that has to clean up and pick up all the pieces.
I'm done. And don't want to have to talk about this again. I will be beyond pissed if I have to go through this again. Understood? I hope so.
Anyway, to my friend: Tomoe is dead. Obviously. She is dead and she is never coming back. She died from exhaustion and being surrounded by massive amounts of stupidity.
It's over. MudFlower is the final name for my final goal. I chose it when I decided that I wasn't going any damn where. I am not changing again.
That is all.
Merry Christmas,.... Happy New Year, and all the other holidays I missed.
I know I have been quiet for a while, but it was because I had to think long about my future on this site.... and address the bullshit.
The internet is a cesspool, and I realize that in order to progress on SG, I am going to have to haunted by bullshit.
I really don't want to get into this right now, because it's not going to die no matter how many times I try to squash it.
But let's try again.
As far as my behavior on this site; I am actually clean, regardless of what you heard. I have a stack of papers marked by Central Intelligence et al to prove it.
I could have shut a lot of you up a LONG time ago; but unfortunately, my dumb self thought it was more important to make sure I didn't end up in federal prison than what was being said about me (or on my behalf) on a pin up site.
Silly me.
That's why I have the proof I am clean. In the process of proving that I have the hacking and theft skills of a field mouse, other moves were uncovered.
So plenty of people watch as very internet sites (and reputations) of my were tainted or destroyed. But unfortunately, if want to catch a their, you have to let them steal,. And besides some disabled women getting her internet world destroyed is not exactly the government.
So while yes, it was well known what was happening, and everything was monitored for the sake of pattern, they didn't have to do a damn thing to stop it.
To catch a thief... you also have to throw another people under the bus.
I still have the documents that back all this from beginning to end.
So not only do I have proof that I am not a terrorist or a danger to my country, I indirectly gained the proof that I am not an internet terrorist either.
Sorry, to disappoint you, but yeah. I mean, HELLO? How many times have I told ALL of you, that not only do not like a lot of negative attention, but I don't like confrontation??? Wouldn't being an internet douchebag cause both very uncomfortable to happen???
Oh wait, that's right. The people who made those accusations don't even know me in any sense of the word.
That's right.
And for the four geniuses who accusingly said that they look at my blog and it didn't bare any evidence of being hacked.
Word??? First of all, what made you an expert. Secondly, if you can tell something was hacked, wouldn't that mean the person did a shitty job. Ol' girl's goal was to humiliate me and make me feel like shit,...... oh yeah and send in prison.
How could you do all that if a non professional could look at your shit and tell it got hacked.
Seriously? Duh!
I love how got accused of making passive aggressive remarks in a group I never joined. And alarming and violent remarks in yet another group I never joined.
Not only was my computer, smartphone, and kindle fire already confiscated. And not only would I have been immediately arrested if I had been on the internet for any reason.
But guess what? In one situation I was clearly in Wal-mart the time the post was made because I snapped my glasses in half. The other situation happen while I was all the Reno seeing my Gyno.
Despite that fact, the IP addressees quite curiously showed that that the posts where made in my usually location. Which meant, that even if I had another computer in the house it wouldn't be a match. But.... uh, my computer was already confiscated, meaning I couldnt make the posts, even if I were home.
Figured out how she did it yet??? Just know that people like her exist all over, they are quite dangerous.
I could go on down the list, but I think you all get the point.
I thank everyone that seemed to back me up, but this blog isn't really for you. Obviously.
I don't care what the rest of you believe at this point. But from now, I would suggest that you use your heads.
You don't even know what my real name is. It is that easy to throw me under the bus, and spread lies because you "think" you know what's going on?
I can see it right here in my hands in black and white: not ONE of you blabber mouths, ever contacted me to see what was going on.
Alright fine, if that's they way you want to operate. It's your life. Make a fool of yourself. I don't care anymore.
But I'll tell you what: I paid for THIS account, just like you did. And I am keeping THIS account. I will not make a whole new account just because some of you think you are still in high school.
But like I said, we are all adults, so that is how I will treat you. I have taken your punches and kept my mouth shut. But next time I will just report you, simple as that.
So for the love of Odin and his son, THINK!!!! Use your brain before you go jumping to conclusions. You might be making an ass of BOTH of us, but I am the one that has to clean up and pick up all the pieces.
I'm done. And don't want to have to talk about this again. I will be beyond pissed if I have to go through this again. Understood? I hope so.
Anyway, to my friend: Tomoe is dead. Obviously. She is dead and she is never coming back. She died from exhaustion and being surrounded by massive amounts of stupidity.
It's over. MudFlower is the final name for my final goal. I chose it when I decided that I wasn't going any damn where. I am not changing again.
That is all.
Merry Christmas,.... Happy New Year, and all the other holidays I missed.
Stay strong babe. Your such a a amazing person.
Thank you so much. I hope that you are fine. I wish you a great end of this week