Um okay???? So besides the fact that my ex husband was an alcoholic spouse abusing, dog beating sociopath who ruined my life..... we can now add "and he almost gave me cervical cancer".
Really, mofo???
I have never had STD in life. Why would anyone think to use protect to someone they are married to? I was more concerned with the possibility of conceiving a child with that psycho then a disease.
I got the HPV vaccine years ago, but there over 70 strains. A man doesn't have as high of a chance of contracting it from a women, I don't know why. Gay sex is another story. Women can get it from a man easy as pie. It can take years to show up, even with regular testing, and that if the doc decides to actually test for it. The biggest problem a guy may have is genital warts, if anything. A women can actually end up with cervical cancer, though it's rare in America unless the women can afford testing. Thank goodness it's slow growing ( which is why it takes for ever to show up)
Hopefully my doctor can blast all the cells, and NOT have to remove layers of cervix.
Gah! I managed to NOT get the herpes he hid from. That's good thing.
I don't like him. I don't. I DO NOT LIKE HIM. I can't get away from his poison.
Really, mofo???
I have never had STD in life. Why would anyone think to use protect to someone they are married to? I was more concerned with the possibility of conceiving a child with that psycho then a disease.
I got the HPV vaccine years ago, but there over 70 strains. A man doesn't have as high of a chance of contracting it from a women, I don't know why. Gay sex is another story. Women can get it from a man easy as pie. It can take years to show up, even with regular testing, and that if the doc decides to actually test for it. The biggest problem a guy may have is genital warts, if anything. A women can actually end up with cervical cancer, though it's rare in America unless the women can afford testing. Thank goodness it's slow growing ( which is why it takes for ever to show up)
Hopefully my doctor can blast all the cells, and NOT have to remove layers of cervix.
Gah! I managed to NOT get the herpes he hid from. That's good thing.
I don't like him. I don't. I DO NOT LIKE HIM. I can't get away from his poison.
Thank you for the birthday wishes. 

Well wishing you a better year, shit, for me too.