I hope I don't jinx myself by saying this, but I have been sleeping very well lately, which in turn is increasing my good mood!
I found out that the library has exercise videos, which will save me some money. I just hope the dvds are in good condition.
So how is everyone's weekend so far?? Mine is going swell, except for last night. I was feeling pretty sick, and my husband made me drive him at night just to get him alcohol. But today I am feeling pretty good.
I keep having dreams that I'm working at McDonald's. Should I be working at McDonald's?
I found out that the library has exercise videos, which will save me some money. I just hope the dvds are in good condition.
So how is everyone's weekend so far?? Mine is going swell, except for last night. I was feeling pretty sick, and my husband made me drive him at night just to get him alcohol. But today I am feeling pretty good.
I keep having dreams that I'm working at McDonald's. Should I be working at McDonald's?

Should you jinx yourself, do you owe you a coke? Hope your weekend works out in your favor.