I am the only one who got seriously pissed of when Skittles switched the green skittle from lime to green apple???
I hate it. I hope they switch it back to lime.
I hate it. I hope they switch it back to lime.
What??? Yea... that just ruined my day. Those were my favorite!
I actually find it very sad that Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On?" is still relevant to the times. But I am pretty sure we are always going to be at each others' throats until the end of time.
Gah! As much unnecessary drama that is in my life right now, I seem to be bored.
Going to start some crafting projects again, then I see how I feel.
Going to start some crafting projects again, then I see how I feel.
Thank you hon. While I'm still job hunting I began teaching myself Korean and I'm quite enjoying it. If I was goo at arts and craft I would have probably done tha first. Fun stuff!
It's good to occupy yourself as just sitting stagnant gives you (well, not YOU, but in general) WAY too much time to think... which isn't always a good thing.
I am doing my best to take my mind off of my migraine. I keep forgetting to take my prescribed medication for it. The medication does absolutely nothing for me once I already have the migraine.
My newish tattoo has started to itch, which always means that it's healing well for me.
Before I realized what was happening, I have managed to fully transition...
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I am doing my best to take my mind off of my migraine. I keep forgetting to take my prescribed medication for it. The medication does absolutely nothing for me once I already have the migraine.

My newish tattoo has started to itch, which always means that it's healing well for me.
Before I realized what was happening, I have managed to fully transition...
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Here I am!
Thank you.
Would anyone like me to send them a brand new bottle of Adam and Eve lube at my expense? It just came in today. But. I bought the wrong kind. I can't use lube with glycerin, which is why I have to order on the internet in the first place. I was rushing, and I wasn't paying attention to the ingredients. Ten dollars down...
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Would anyone like me to send them a brand new bottle of Adam and Eve lube at my expense? It just came in today. But. I bought the wrong kind. I can't use lube with glycerin, which is why I have to order on the internet in the first place. I was rushing, and I wasn't paying attention to the ingredients. Ten dollars down...
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That sounds like quite the predicament. Can't say as I've personally come upon such problems myself. I hope you get it all worked out though.
We'll see.
Thank you 

Will we? Sitting on pins and nees...
Happy Litha, everyone!!!!
I energy has been seriously drained, and I have no idea why. Maybe I have to smudge my fiancee. No idea.
Hope everyone is doing well.
I energy has been seriously drained, and I have no idea why. Maybe I have to smudge my fiancee. No idea.
Hope everyone is doing well.
You must have been alone because that view would inspire anthing but boredom and a desire to share the Moment of "non-boredom"

I had forgotten how awesome it was to have the new glasses headache. Lovely.
Plans change. I will never have a Hopeful tag here.... it will be a different account. Some of you will be aware of all of the new developments through.... I don't know..... smoke signals or something.
I can't let the new account be tainted by rumors and stupidity like this one...
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Plans change. I will never have a Hopeful tag here.... it will be a different account. Some of you will be aware of all of the new developments through.... I don't know..... smoke signals or something.
I can't let the new account be tainted by rumors and stupidity like this one...
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What...holy shit. 50lbs. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...your so amazing. I'm so happy for you babe. That's the best news i heard all day. You kick ass! Keep it up!

Thank you ^^
I am in tears.
My heart aches right now. I am heartbroken for Oklahoma. Completely heartbroken. I don't know what to say. All I can offer is my condolences.
It's a shame that it always takes these sobering events to shake me awake and make me realize that I should be a lot more grateful.
I am in tears.
My heart aches right now. I am heartbroken for Oklahoma. Completely heartbroken. I don't know what to say. All I can offer is my condolences.
It's a shame that it always takes these sobering events to shake me awake and make me realize that I should be a lot more grateful.
Nature can be so cruel 

Hard to believe that nature can be both beautiful as well as destructive. 

I know I have been quiet for a while, but it was because I had to think long about my future on this site.... and address the bullshit.
The internet is a cesspool, and I realize that in order to progress on SG, I am going to have to haunted by bullshit.
I really don't want to get into this right now, because it's...
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I know I have been quiet for a while, but it was because I had to think long about my future on this site.... and address the bullshit.
The internet is a cesspool, and I realize that in order to progress on SG, I am going to have to haunted by bullshit.
I really don't want to get into this right now, because it's...
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Stay strong babe. Your such a a amazing person.
Thank you so much. I hope that you are fine. I wish you a great end of this week 

It seems I won't have to have another procedure. Yay! The cone biopsy appears to have dealt with the abnormalities. We'll know for sure in a few months. For now, I can relax.
Thank you! 

thank you for the sweet comment and fingers crossed