ahh a new post . i just figured i would post an old spoken word thingy i wrote called Manifesto . For my oft delayed and side tracked CD . tell me what you think .
Manifesto . never tell anyone anything , because then you will miss everyone . big brother is watching , but comepletely uncaring . socializing has become mundane , know...
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Manifesto . never tell anyone anything , because then you will miss everyone . big brother is watching , but comepletely uncaring . socializing has become mundane , know...
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Happy birthday!!!
I am back . it took awhile (long enough for me to leave and come back with a five month old daughter ) let the insanity begin
the insanity stopped?
actually no but having a baby dulls it especially after 6 months watching the disney channel 

bye guess its sort of pointless now
one bye woulda been nice
one bye woulda been nice
P.S. -- Tell me when your CD is actually up for purchase!
WHat up yo? Fancy meeting you here.......

After a time i realized it was difficult to keep in contact with those i wanted to become friends with and it became even harder to make new friends . i will miss everyone who i have gotten to know better since joining . i even named some of my basses after a few...
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After a time i realized it was difficult to keep in contact with those i wanted to become friends with and it became even harder to make new friends . i will miss everyone who i have gotten to know better since joining . i even named some of my basses after a few...
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i have reached a cross in the road so to speak.
do i shave my goatee or do i leave it to grow long.
do i shave my goatee or do i leave it to grow long.
i have no testimonials and that makes me sad
we should be finishing with recording in the next month(prays to god)
turkey day is soo ......time to eat my turkey then take a nap

we should be finishing with recording in the next month(prays to god)
turkey day is soo ......time to eat my turkey then take a nap
why is it i have become so used to sadness that happiness scares the shit outta me ?
i have goals
i am becoming more productive
i am in a cool relationship
i have great friends
i am doing things i have always wanted to but never thought i could
yet it is terrifying me at the same time it exhilerates me.
i have goals
i am becoming more productive
i am in a cool relationship
i have great friends
i am doing things i have always wanted to but never thought i could
yet it is terrifying me at the same time it exhilerates me.
That's not corny. It's a lot of work to get into everyone's head, though. Because there's no such thing as objective reality, and you'd have to see every version of yourself for your wish to come true.
Fear and change go hand in hand, I find. Even with good change. Good healthy anxiety is a sign that you're growing, that it's an adventure, no?

Fear and change go hand in hand, I find. Even with good change. Good healthy anxiety is a sign that you're growing, that it's an adventure, no?

Sadness is a reliable place to be, is why. Being happy, we fear disappointment, a change of mood. But, you know. We can't always be happy, nor can we always be sad. It's the roller coaster of life, right? One doesn't mean anything without the other.
And oh god I must be tired because I'm rambling. Go with it! Have fun! Just love what you have, and if it does stop, love that you have had it, and that is so much better than not knowing at all.
And oh god I must be tired because I'm rambling. Go with it! Have fun! Just love what you have, and if it does stop, love that you have had it, and that is so much better than not knowing at all.

I'm Back!!!!!!
okay its been awhile ..........a LONG WHILE.
I have been busy writing for that new magazine i have about 5-6 articles published in the the soon to be printed january issue. i currently have about 4-5 i have to write . i have been writing about shit i cant even do myself like time management and successfully sticking to newyears resolutions .though my...
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Welcome back, busy man! I wish I had some creative ideas for your show, but apparently I'm fresh out. 

why, helloooo there!
christ, you have been busy. i, have not. still on the job hunt...fell down, went boom, broke both bones in my arm... wrecked my car...made about 3 dozen candles and read about 2 dozen books...i'm trying to plan a bachelor party for a friend of mine (does that make sense, a girl planning a BACHELOR party??).
yeah for the good girlfriend...kudos on the articles...no good ideas from me, sorry!
christ, you have been busy. i, have not. still on the job hunt...fell down, went boom, broke both bones in my arm... wrecked my car...made about 3 dozen candles and read about 2 dozen books...i'm trying to plan a bachelor party for a friend of mine (does that make sense, a girl planning a BACHELOR party??).
yeah for the good girlfriend...kudos on the articles...no good ideas from me, sorry!
And You Will Know Me By The Lack Of Updates!!!!!
that and the sexiness.......
okay i will get on with it
our big show was cancelled due to an idiot who was lying to all the bands . he didnt even pay for the venue or have it held . which i found out less than 48 hours before the show itself
we recovered and...
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that and the sexiness.......
okay i will get on with it
our big show was cancelled due to an idiot who was lying to all the bands . he didnt even pay for the venue or have it held . which i found out less than 48 hours before the show itself

we recovered and...
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Hey there! It's been quite a while! Lots and lots of changes. Ugh and wheeeeeee! all at the same time. Grrrr. I feel like a newborn babe in a lot of ways. Gotta get things rolling.
So what about you? Update, already! This entry is from October, you slacker!!!
So what about you? Update, already! This entry is from October, you slacker!!!
yea elitests would be a good word for it, trying to look intellectually superior to everyone heh. Anyways update your journal already!
i uploaded some new pics .
i have been trying to rework my schedule to get stuff done because i used to a slacker and now i dont have the time to be . growing up sux because the more time you have the more you get to do . i will update more thoroughly soon .
i have actually lost wieght amazing i am...
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i have been trying to rework my schedule to get stuff done because i used to a slacker and now i dont have the time to be . growing up sux because the more time you have the more you get to do . i will update more thoroughly soon .
i have actually lost wieght amazing i am...
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i do get many happy spankings
hehe the lucky girl that i am!
hows evreything going?

hows evreything going?
wooooo i like that first new picture

okay time to update .
first band stuff . we are still recording and soon to finish guitar tracks this week . which is cool because i record bass tracks next . except i am a recent bass player and our producer is a veteran player which means he will be extra critical of...
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Believe me, baby, I understand about the hectic schedule thing. Ugh!
Yay for all the band stuff going on, and for you recording the bass tracks. I wouldn't worry about him being critical, just take it as an opportunity to learn, right? I always find that it's best to play or dance or whatever with someone who's just a bit better than you are, keeps you moving, you know?
Re: rage and casual dating - you really don't seem to be picking very nice girls, are you???
There's nothing wrong with wanting to casually date several people. There's something wrong with serial monogamy and codependency for sure. Meet, date, kiss, be casual! Go for it! What's the point in being exclusive if you're not getting everything you want out of the relationship or if you don't feel ready for that sort of relationship. Do what you want to do, man, as long as you're upfront about it. That's what matters.
And we all have baggage, darling. Some of us just leave the unnecessary stuff at the airport and proceed straight to the beach in sandals and a sarong.
Strong people need comfort, too. Sometimes just a big, strong, silent hug can help more than anything. I'm glad your uncle's surgery seems to have gone well!
I like your bass' name.
Do you like playing on new strings, or is it that you've switched to wound strings? I know a lot of bass players hardly ever change their strings, because older strings have a warmer sound to them. Or so I've been told.
Ooh! You're gonna start dancing, are you? That's wonderful!!! Just in the living room for now, or are you gonna take some kind of lesson? Woo-hoo!
So tell me: Where would you go and what would you do?
Yay for all the band stuff going on, and for you recording the bass tracks. I wouldn't worry about him being critical, just take it as an opportunity to learn, right? I always find that it's best to play or dance or whatever with someone who's just a bit better than you are, keeps you moving, you know?
Re: rage and casual dating - you really don't seem to be picking very nice girls, are you???
There's nothing wrong with wanting to casually date several people. There's something wrong with serial monogamy and codependency for sure. Meet, date, kiss, be casual! Go for it! What's the point in being exclusive if you're not getting everything you want out of the relationship or if you don't feel ready for that sort of relationship. Do what you want to do, man, as long as you're upfront about it. That's what matters.
And we all have baggage, darling. Some of us just leave the unnecessary stuff at the airport and proceed straight to the beach in sandals and a sarong.

Strong people need comfort, too. Sometimes just a big, strong, silent hug can help more than anything. I'm glad your uncle's surgery seems to have gone well!

I like your bass' name.

Ooh! You're gonna start dancing, are you? That's wonderful!!! Just in the living room for now, or are you gonna take some kind of lesson? Woo-hoo!
So tell me: Where would you go and what would you do?
you do have a lot going on
i stumbled on your page and i just thought id say i hope everything turns out well, considering theres a lot of everything
particularly things with your uncle
and fuck that shit about living with your mom, i do and i think theres absolutely no better place for either of our asses
so hey
and isnt par for the course of being in a band, not to mention young, single and experimental, that casual dating is the best way to go? your x fiance sounds like she doesnt deserve your attention either. im sorry youve had a hard time with the gurlys.
yeah, youve definately got some shit going on. but a lot of it sounds really good, like youre excited about how you live
alot of people dont get to do what their passionate about
so anyway, im sorry to butt in
but did anyway
i stumbled on your page and i just thought id say i hope everything turns out well, considering theres a lot of everything
particularly things with your uncle
and fuck that shit about living with your mom, i do and i think theres absolutely no better place for either of our asses
so hey
and isnt par for the course of being in a band, not to mention young, single and experimental, that casual dating is the best way to go? your x fiance sounds like she doesnt deserve your attention either. im sorry youve had a hard time with the gurlys.
yeah, youve definately got some shit going on. but a lot of it sounds really good, like youre excited about how you live
alot of people dont get to do what their passionate about
so anyway, im sorry to butt in
but did anyway