1 minute ago: was drinkin my hot chocolate
1 hour ago: was in the bathtub
1 day ago: Dancing my butt off at the bar
1 year ago: skool age, working at Sears
10 years ago: i was 9 and a brat?
I hate: when things dont go my way sometimes
I fear: Dying alone
I hope: That everything works out for the best
I feel: somewhat tired
I hide: my TRUE feelings most times
I drive: like a maniac , but i love it
I miss: driving around when i could.
I learned: that girls are crazier than men!!
I need: some loving!
I think:i wanna buy a car soon!
I'm not: good at finishing things
I imagine: alot of things *grin*
I crave: ice creem
I regret: a few things, but everything happends for a reason
I care: too much
I always: have something pervy to say
I want: to be HAPPY
I feel alone: when i cry
I listen: to anyone who will talkto me
I sing: when no one is around
I destroy: clothes thinking they will look neat
I dance: like a maniac lately
I write: when im down
I wake: Whenever i want to
I breathe: in and out
I venture: whenever i wanna
I find: kissing so romantic <3
I kiss: with eyes closed and slowly
I succeed: at taking good photos
I fail: at a few things...
I search: who i am
I learn: visually
I know: alot of pointless stuff
I say: *hophop* too much
I change: my hair, often...too often
I dream: of becoming a photographer
I believe: that people are generally good, until they prove me wrong
I wonder: why bad things happen to such good people.
I want: to sleep with a girl again
I worry: too much
I wish: but never expect things to happend
I fight: never.
I am: a girl. and a bunnie
person I msg'd: Ashley
i <3 you
person I talked to on the phone: My sister Tanya
person I kissed: Karter
person I hugged: Karter
person I talked to in person: Kevin
person who made you smile: Melissa
thing you ate: Date Square
thing you drank: Hot chocolate
wearing: PJ pants and a tank top and a zip up hoodie (i dont wanna turn on the heat yet)
hair: washed, and just dyed black with red bangs
jewelery: my rings, tunnels, bracelets
hearing: This football game on xbox
downloading: Nothing at the moment
msging: ross, Glen, Ash, Shey
thinking: i cant wait for pay day!!! and to get a car!
thar we go! do the same
1 hour ago: was in the bathtub
1 day ago: Dancing my butt off at the bar

1 year ago: skool age, working at Sears
10 years ago: i was 9 and a brat?
I hate: when things dont go my way sometimes
I fear: Dying alone
I hope: That everything works out for the best
I feel: somewhat tired
I hide: my TRUE feelings most times
I drive: like a maniac , but i love it

I miss: driving around when i could.
I learned: that girls are crazier than men!!
I need: some loving!
I think:i wanna buy a car soon!
I'm not: good at finishing things
I imagine: alot of things *grin*
I crave: ice creem
I regret: a few things, but everything happends for a reason

I care: too much
I always: have something pervy to say
I want: to be HAPPY
I feel alone: when i cry
I listen: to anyone who will talkto me
I sing: when no one is around
I destroy: clothes thinking they will look neat
I dance: like a maniac lately

I write: when im down
I wake: Whenever i want to
I breathe: in and out
I venture: whenever i wanna
I find: kissing so romantic <3
I kiss: with eyes closed and slowly
I succeed: at taking good photos
I fail: at a few things...
I search: who i am
I learn: visually
I know: alot of pointless stuff
I say: *hophop* too much

I change: my hair, often...too often
I dream: of becoming a photographer
I believe: that people are generally good, until they prove me wrong
I wonder: why bad things happen to such good people.
I want: to sleep with a girl again
I worry: too much
I wish: but never expect things to happend
I fight: never.
I am: a girl. and a bunnie

person I msg'd: Ashley

person I talked to on the phone: My sister Tanya
person I kissed: Karter
person I hugged: Karter
person I talked to in person: Kevin
person who made you smile: Melissa
thing you ate: Date Square
thing you drank: Hot chocolate
wearing: PJ pants and a tank top and a zip up hoodie (i dont wanna turn on the heat yet)
hair: washed, and just dyed black with red bangs
jewelery: my rings, tunnels, bracelets
hearing: This football game on xbox
downloading: Nothing at the moment
msging: ross, Glen, Ash, Shey
thinking: i cant wait for pay day!!! and to get a car!
thar we go! do the same

im pretty pumped about it, a good friends bday