Been horrible at blogging, mainly due to grad school. This semester, I seem to be having a hard time hitting my stride. I think some of it is because, honestly, I should be crazy busy all the time but I'm not...which makes me think I'm missing something important...which makes me think I'm going to fail horribly at life. Kind of a large jump between that second ellipses and the period but that's how my mind works. If A, then FREAK OUT. If A equals B, then FREAK OUT. If A and it seems like you're not doing enough work, then FREAK OUT.
Sometimes, I really wish I could read other people's minds, not because I give a shit about what they're thinking but because I would love to see a real-life example of how a normal brain works. Mine is getting tiresome to me.
Sometimes, I really wish I could read other people's minds, not because I give a shit about what they're thinking but because I would love to see a real-life example of how a normal brain works. Mine is getting tiresome to me.

Inside My Head Is Nothing But A Mess of Insanity

You just sound a bit anxious! Don't worry about it! Lots of people feel the same way!