I've had such a strange journey lately. My dreams have been haunted by hope and a lover I know couldn't exist. My days are filled with thoughts and feeling dredged from the corners of my soul. I woke up yesterday feeling the urge to run away. I chase my freedom every where. I have left lovers, I have driven across the country, I have bitten and clawed anything that attempts to tie me down...and I'm finding that love is always a cage. A man seeks to tame every time. Every kiss is a brand. Every hug is a reminder of the constriction I feel every minute that I am with him, whichever one he be. Each one has attempted to stop my midnight howls to the moon, my incessant wandering. I mourn that I am not domesticated. I long to be a house cat, a maid, a simple wife but I cannot. I can't ask that they understand the wind that blows in my heart and stirs me to seek out another corner of the world I haven't yet seen but is still more of a home than any man's house.
Every woman needs so much more than can be found in these civilized landscapes.
Every woman needs so much more than can be found in these civilized landscapes.
I feel the same way about women, but they taste so good!