I was thinking about amoebas today and it made me realize that I'm an amoeba on the galactic scale of things. Amoebas are free to do whatever they want because their tiny world is self-contained and doesn't really have much to do with me, except in the case of dysentery. I realized that I'm free in my own little amoeba world because I really can't do too much damage to the grand scheme of things anyway. Amoeba freedom is freedom from convention and the behavioral constraints and ritualistic thought patterns we cling to in the attempt of gaining control over ourselves. I realize I don't really need any of them...because I'm just an amoeba and I'm content with that. I love my vacuoles, my membranes, everything that makes me 'me' and I realized I don't need to keep putting pressure on myself to maintain a particular shape. I just am.
Thanks Sugar