I'm having the mid-grad-school blues. I realized today that I still have a whole year to go before I'm done. It's like extending one's childhood to an impossible and uncomfortable length. Ever since I graduated college under the influence of the lie all adults tell their kids about the necessity of a college degree but without the cold hard facts about the utter uselessness of humanities degrees, I've been struggling to find a job that doesn't A) pay so badly that it's likened to legal slavery or B) requires me to take off my clothes. I don't mind the B) jobs- I suppose I'm a little bit of a nympho/exhibitionist and I love being naked. But every girl has to come to terms with the fact that there's only so much 'shelf life' for that booty and those tits, particularly if you haven't invested in surgery (which I haven't). So, while I would love to continue with my naked forays throughout my entire life, I doubt there would be much demand for me. Which is why I'm investing in a career and getting excited about being self-sufficient. And also why today sucks because I realize I have another year before I can do that. Sigh. I know- what a hard life I lead! <Dramatic eye flutter> Don't get me wrong; I realize how privileged a life I've led until now. Even being as poor as I am, I'm nowhere near what I've see other people have to live through and for that I'm grateful. I guess I'm just antsy to be self-sufficient.

Anyway, hope you work through the ennui -- on the plus side, while the day job post college world can be annoying at times, it is kind of a nice change of pace from the tempo and demands of college, especially at the graduate level.