Ugh. I got amazingly sick amazingly fast. For some reason, I can't muster the awe and appreciation I should feel for the viruses currently replicating in my blood stream. Every time that I'm sick, without fail, I always think 'why does it have to be my <bodypart>?? That's the WORST!' Regardless of what body part it is. This time, it's my frikkin throat. I've been bitching and moaning to myself in my head all day about how having a sore throat is THE...WORST....THING...EVER.
Actually, the thing I hate most about being sick is how melodramatic it makes me. I'm sooooo sure I have spinal meningitis. My poor meninges!
(It's weird how the word 'meninges' is in this website's spellchecker. Like, how many times are you ever going to use that word, if ever? There are probably hundreds of people who have lived and died without ever saying the word 'meninges.')
Actually, the thing I hate most about being sick is how melodramatic it makes me. I'm sooooo sure I have spinal meningitis. My poor meninges!
(It's weird how the word 'meninges' is in this website's spellchecker. Like, how many times are you ever going to use that word, if ever? There are probably hundreds of people who have lived and died without ever saying the word 'meninges.')