I believe I have days that I'm more right-brained than left-brained. On those days, I tend to look for patterns in the seemingly random events that make up my life. Today is a right-brain day. Today, the right hemisphere is trying very grimly to come up with a common theme throughout everything that happened to or around me today and that theme is: disaster. I went into work to find out that a pipe had busted over the second floor periodicals, ruining numerous volumes of information that we obviously can't afford to replace and probably never will. I spent much of the day saying the following phrase in different pitches and tones to different (though sometimes the same) people: I just couldn't believe that happened! I was on the Reference Desk (I'm a pseudolibrarian) for about 6 hours but, for some reason, I thought I would have some sort of break for lunch. No such luck. After a half dozen questions about whether or not we had scissors or how to print, I was finally released. I had about two hours before my three hour class, which I spent listening to other people's personal disasters, ie broken engagements, domestic abuse, moving pianos up two flights of steps, etc.
Through out this entire disaster themed day, I realized only now that none of said disasters really had anything to do with me. I was everyone prime disaster witness but no one's direct disaster. It's a shame- I'm such a good disaster to have. Unlike busted pipes or broken engagements, I'm not a chance happening or a mental breakdown- I'm a very distinct tsunami, an organized hurricane. Intent is something that is wholly absent in most other disasters...
Through out this entire disaster themed day, I realized only now that none of said disasters really had anything to do with me. I was everyone prime disaster witness but no one's direct disaster. It's a shame- I'm such a good disaster to have. Unlike busted pipes or broken engagements, I'm not a chance happening or a mental breakdown- I'm a very distinct tsunami, an organized hurricane. Intent is something that is wholly absent in most other disasters...