So someone sent me a free activation for the next three months I am sure the site did it itself..who knows I moved back home Husband turned out to be crazy!!!!!like cops being called him being taken away by them holes in walls kind of crazy!!!!So I am back with mom and dad. Unemployed becuase ass face talked me into quitting my job right before we got married. I am also having a baby in july
Despite my situation I am so excited to have this baby...My husband however doesnt even care...not surprised though turns out he has a kid he never sees sooo there ya go...Currently still married to the douche bag but never see him or talk to him unless its about something i have to talk to him about like money he owes me and money he owes my mom and when bill collectors call looking for him and when i have to take the car back to him because he hs made no payment and insurance also cancled so yeah i have no car right now either. I was smart enough to never put my name on any checking accounts with him or any bills so when he doesnt pay it only hurts him. So thats whats going on in my world lol wow how things change

dang, sounds like things took a turn for the worse for ya. try to stay optimistic!