alright soo things have been quite rough lately I havent been well physically and most of all emotionally.... Christmas had some depressing moments but i wont get into to that too long and i want to make this entry short and bitter... soo my psych doc is an ASS which is now why he is now my EX psych doc.... I have been having many panic attacks and just not doing well in general just been depressed and the attacks have been stronger and harder to control.. i had one so bad i thought i was having a heart attack almost called the ambulance but instead drove to my parents and since i was driving like a maniac i got a speeding ticket which did not help my anxiety what so ever.. anywho i called my doc which i was suppose to go on the 16th and told him i needed to see him now and he told me he had nothing available that day or even that week and refused to see me till the 16th sooo i asked if i could see another doctor there in the office and he said no... so i basically told them to fuck off... i called my family doctor and he got me in that day within a few hours... he changed my meds which i wasnt happy about... i was on xanax which was working and i think would still be working i think i just need to be put on a stronger dose then i would be fine and dandy but instead he gave me klonopin and told me to double my dose on paxil and call him in a few days and to take off work till thursday.... well i still wasnt well by thursday called and never got a call back got a call friday and told me to double up onethe klonopin and call him next week and then i go see him the week after and he is trying to get me in to the new psych doc working at his office/practice whatever you want to call it... so im just trying to hang in there and give this a try but if i dont start feeling less anxious im going to ask him about putting me back on xanax and upping the dose becasue that is what i think i really need and hopefully he will listen. i am tired of been put on so many meds and all this trial and error bullshit my emotions and body are soo exhusted confused and out of whack... i feel like the real me is trapped down inside and is suffocating it gets a few gasps of air but then get smothered over again.... i need some relief soon... my money situation is bad which is also causing me problems and making the anxiety worse along with many other factors in my life i am in over my head with my bills and so many other things... ohhh and to those of you people out there who think depression and anxiety/ panic disorder is just a way of being lazy or getting attention..... well here is a big FUCK YOU from me to you because this is hell i would trade all this to be a lazy attention whore.. trust me ITS HELL and its hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. i need some kind of relief soon
P.S. I did get my meds changed back to xanax so maybe that will help

P.S. I did get my meds changed back to xanax so maybe that will help

your doctor sounds like a shitty bartender. the whole scratching your appointment today when you are feeling "crazy" is not nice. i think they do that entirely to avoid contact with any hostility or desperation. maybe if he just listened to you in the first place, you wouldn't have this problem.
drive safely. and keep track and release your records so you don't ever lose track of the process of this ordeal. hope you start feeling better soon.... :hugs:
I'm sorry you've been having so many troubles lately. And seriously I can relate (my self destructive exploits and chronic struggles with the mental health establishment are well known
I know it seems like it will never end but if you can get a halfway decent doc who will listen to you, they can fine tune the meds faster and get you on your way out of hell. Seriously, you have to stand up for yourself, which can seem hard because many docs act like "you're crazy and I'm the expert and I know everything." But they don't. And if you're gonna be stuck in a trial and error system you want to be sure that the person in charge of the trial actually listens and reacts to what's happening in your life. Sometimes it helps to write down the symptoms you're having so you can be sure not to forget anything. And if something gets really wonky, hound them. Waiting for the next monthly visit while stuck in something unbearable should always be a last resort. (Unfortunately it cannot always be I'm finding out when no one wants to help me because I moved and don't officially have a doctor in town yet. Meanwhile I'm having unbearable symptoms
Seriously if your family doc will help up godspeed (mine won't. some won't. grrrrrr)
I know how hard it is to hear that you have to wait while the meds start to become active, but it is true that you will get through it. There is another side to it, I promise. It may FEEL like there isn't but there is.
Take care of yourself and hang in there. If you really need to vent you can PM me. I can't promise I'll get back right away (it might be a day or two) but trust me I've been there for 9 years so I've seen a lot of this stuff and I have a pretty good capacity to listen and give what advice is possible.
I send you tons and tons of hugs!