AHHHH Another one of my relatives is really sick... he has been fighting cancer but it has now spread to his brain... he called saturday to say goodbye to the family because he didint know how much longer he would make it... my mom sister and brother inlaw flew down that day to Mississippi to see him( I couldnt go plane tickets were 786 dollars!!!) I am glad that they got to go because it really made him happy to see them and he has held on sice then and is still fighting.. we dont think he will much longer.. he is my great uncle and one of the greatest men you will ever meet... I wish I could of seem him more often and spent more time with him... he told the greatest stories... and now for my grandma update.... she is still in the hospital they couldnt do surgery because they didnt have the right equipment and she has a really bad infection..... well they think they can get the infection under control so they can perform a different surgery so she wont have to wait a month to get the right equipment for the other way... she has to get some gull stones removed and some kind of other surgery im not sure what its called or whats its for... its hard to keep up with everything... but on a good note her cancer has not yet returned like the doctors were affraid it had... one of the tumors they thought had came back turned out to be a really big stone... so yay no cancer thus far
I hope she gets through everything okay and starts feeling better she has been in so much pain... now for me and Shabby update.... I think him and I are just going to remain just friends for the moment.. he still doesnt have the boyfriend girlfriend like feelings.... so its to hard for me to keep hanging on when time has passed and he still isnt sure what he feels and etc.... so shelly is trying to hold it together and move on from this... I know him and I will remain friends and will continue to hang out often... he is such a great guy that its easy to remain friends with him even if it is awkard and confusing sometimes... and who knows maybe way down the road it may work out... but for now I just dont think it is... and you know I am okay with that.. I know I will be okay I tried and it just didnt work out but i learned alot about myself and have grown alot from this experience and I dont regret a single moment of my time with him.. he was the greatest and treated me better than anyone.. it just didnt work out and i cant be mad at him or myself for that... im jst glad that we can remain friends.. cuz if we couldnt that would be so awful and a huge loss in my life... so thats my update... kisses to you all

yay for you guys remaining friends, im glad you are actually! sorry to hear bout stuff going on with your family though, i'll keep ya in my thoughts & prayers!