hello its time for an update... whooo.. soo me and the boy and clyde aka wakkoo painted the front room a pretty green... yay no more bare drywall.. I love the color and it makes me very excited to pick out more colors and paint all the other rooms.. the boy had much fun last night... very happy (aka DRUNK) he was so cute... he did some hot booty shakin for me... he sung me the blues... some of doors L.A womana and some Hendrix Foxy Lady.. then after we had been in bed sleepin for a bit... about 5:30 this morning I was awoken from a dead sleep by a loud crash so I wake up and look over and shabby was no longer in the bed soo I was like "Dave??? what was that??" Boy says with cute little defeated sigh "I fell" It was soo cute... he was still a little drunk and said that the "ground just moved away from him" and that he tripped over the dogs bowls. We had a good day today too... he was recovering some from last night.. but we still had a good relaxing day... which has been much needed because he has been workin like crazy!!! and I have been a handful lately and uber cranky and not myself due to the doctor changing my meds again.... I am now on Prozac It kinda scared me a bit to be put on it cuz ive heard some bad press about it... but I trust my doc and know he would only do whats best for me os hopefully i will adjust soon and be alll good again... I have had a couple days in a row where I have felt good emotional wise... thats good.... however my tummy problems have returned and back on prevacid i go... was really blah in the tummy yesterday but that aside my mood has been great and I have started to feel better and not to suffacated and overwhelmed and anxious.. soo that makes me feel good... and it helps that my boy has been really paitient and understanding with me.. he is the greatest.. i love him soo alrighty you lovely people i will talk to ya later
big hugs right back at ya!