WOW been awhile since I last updated... not too much going on I was sick for two weeks and missed work for two weeks becuase of it so now im more poor than ever!! Last week was my first week back and it wasnt too bad... Didnt go to work today becuase I switched my day off for today so now I work Thursday... whoo how exciting my life is... for those of who remember submissive.. her and her boy Dan got married and it was a lovely wedding and her dress was awesome!!! i will try to get pictures soon.. Me and the boy are doing great we have been planting stuff... herbs..pumpkins..corn..sunflowers.. and we have been really getting into watching the birdies and squirrels in the back yard.. we have 2 birdie feeders and 1 squirrel feeder we are going to get more and were going to get a bat house how cool is that...ohhh and we are going to a humming bird feeder too.. we are so one with nature hehe... alrighty that is it for now


Awww you guys are so damn cute! aww! x forever!