God.... I hate PMS. I've been going around the house bitching about how I'm the fattest girl in existance right now. I feel that way though, so no pictures today.
I dont know whats up with my fuckin rag this month. This probably TMI for all the guys on my friends list but deal, I'm the queen of TMI. Usually I get horrible pain, but this month I just feel incredibly weak and fat. And I dont know if thats because I got trashed last night or I mastubated too much last night and it relaxed my muscles. *shrugs*
God my ex girlfriend was all over my ass last night about Valerie. She called and my ex is like "If I hear you fuckin having phone sex with her I'm gonna punch you in your damn face". I was like fuckin hit me bitch, and she didnt. Fucking idiot. Why I was ever with her I have no idea. I wish shed fuckin go to her mothers. Shes the one that broke up with me, so her jealous spats are uncalled for.
More and more I'm wishing I could run away to LA and be with Val in real life.... not just over the phone and not just over the internet. Shes everything I've ever wanted. But shes engaged to another woman there, and the sucky thing is that her fiancees the sweetest fuckin person to me. SHe knows what me and Val do and shes okay with it, and has actually helped me some on my break up with Debi. Its so messed up sometimes I swear....
God this song rules. Its from the preview of "Ultra Violet" Its called 24 by Jem.
God... I feel like a fuckin walerus today. Someone shoot me. I have unborn babys bleeding out of my fuckin vagina.
I dont know whats up with my fuckin rag this month. This probably TMI for all the guys on my friends list but deal, I'm the queen of TMI. Usually I get horrible pain, but this month I just feel incredibly weak and fat. And I dont know if thats because I got trashed last night or I mastubated too much last night and it relaxed my muscles. *shrugs*
God my ex girlfriend was all over my ass last night about Valerie. She called and my ex is like "If I hear you fuckin having phone sex with her I'm gonna punch you in your damn face". I was like fuckin hit me bitch, and she didnt. Fucking idiot. Why I was ever with her I have no idea. I wish shed fuckin go to her mothers. Shes the one that broke up with me, so her jealous spats are uncalled for.
More and more I'm wishing I could run away to LA and be with Val in real life.... not just over the phone and not just over the internet. Shes everything I've ever wanted. But shes engaged to another woman there, and the sucky thing is that her fiancees the sweetest fuckin person to me. SHe knows what me and Val do and shes okay with it, and has actually helped me some on my break up with Debi. Its so messed up sometimes I swear....
God this song rules. Its from the preview of "Ultra Violet" Its called 24 by Jem.
God... I feel like a fuckin walerus today. Someone shoot me. I have unborn babys bleeding out of my fuckin vagina.

Thanks for the comment on my set! If you really liked the outfit, check out the SG sales group in the next few days. I'm thinking about selling it.
Oohh really? I'd fuckin love it. Thanks for the info honey.