Holy crap I'm back.
Well, my absence is a long story. Remember the girl that broke poor Ronin's heart? Well, we went on to date for another few months. Heh...things were actually good.
That is until her ex came back. And it became more and more evident that she wasn't over him. And drama ensued for the next month.
So now here I am again, recently recovered, as the bitch left me to get back with her ex. Quite the kick in the metaphorical balls. And the way she did it...ouch people.
It was a rough thing, but overall, I've picked myself up pretty quickly and even though it still has its stings...I'm cool.
Ronin's stages of a break-up:
1. Denial
6. ....lil bit more alcoholism
7.Be right about everything (oh man...and I ended up being right)
9.Realizing the kind of person she truly is.
I might still be in stage 10, which is the shallow stage where the only part I'm bummed about is the lack of sex theres going to be now.
Oh well. Hope all is well for everyone and their lives--take care.
Well, my absence is a long story. Remember the girl that broke poor Ronin's heart? Well, we went on to date for another few months. Heh...things were actually good.
That is until her ex came back. And it became more and more evident that she wasn't over him. And drama ensued for the next month.
So now here I am again, recently recovered, as the bitch left me to get back with her ex. Quite the kick in the metaphorical balls. And the way she did it...ouch people.
It was a rough thing, but overall, I've picked myself up pretty quickly and even though it still has its stings...I'm cool.
Ronin's stages of a break-up:
1. Denial
6. ....lil bit more alcoholism
7.Be right about everything (oh man...and I ended up being right)
9.Realizing the kind of person she truly is.
I might still be in stage 10, which is the shallow stage where the only part I'm bummed about is the lack of sex theres going to be now.
Oh well. Hope all is well for everyone and their lives--take care.
& too bad about the chick. Bleh.