Woo I had a grrrrrrreat day today!!!! I gots me a bunny rabbit and I met Debra Wilson from Mad TV!!!
I went to a taping of the Jimmy Kimmel Show saw Martin Lawrence heh caught his eye for awhile
and then when we went to see D4L perform "Laffy Taffy" we had to go upstairs so since Debra Wilson was seating quite close to me I just walked next to her I didn't act like a crazy fan of course I was cool and calm. Anyway so I got close to saying hi when there was a seperation so we went apart. So I ended up getting close to her again and what happens they take her closer to the stage! But HAH they let me and some others through and I got to stand right next to her!
So I turned shared a few words and then we HUGGED sooo freakin awesome she hugged me pretty tight too lol...
Awesome night...O and heres some pics of my bunny caramel.
I went to a taping of the Jimmy Kimmel Show saw Martin Lawrence heh caught his eye for awhile

likin' yer bunny...
hmm..i just noticed his eyes are diff colors...he lost pigment in his left eye but not in his right...hehe tank u