How I met My Chemical Romance:TASTE OF CHAOS 3/31/05
We actually made it b4 8 to Long Beach! It was hot as alll hell but hey for MCR and The Used im willing to stick it out...As we were waiting in line Weeman came walkin by i took a pic with him We tg found a subway and grubbed lol and made good business for subway 'cause when we got back everyone wanted it too! haha Anyway we didnt really get to see that many of the bands before the show that kinda sucked but it was hot back there!! So when the concert was about to start it started to get crazy ppl were cuttin in line and squeezing past us and just not havin any shame...When the concert started it was just then he11! The music was loud and good the ppl were nasty and should have been taken out and beaten blue im sorri thats just my opinion to those who were just like stupid f*&%rs aiming at ppl personally like that stupid b&^$+ who elbowed me in the ear on purpose hear me you lil ho if i ever see u again its doomsday no one hits me and gets away with it if that elbow in your rib wasnt enough ill make it real painful next time trust me bs that was an accident u knew wat u were doing! Plus u admitted it!! Ok ahem sorri yea like shes ever gonna see this haha o well had to let it out...The concert was great aside from all the pushin and the shoving and me passing out in the middle of MCR . and then wakin up inside a first aide room with ppl pinchin me and sayin my name tellin me to wake up yea so anyways other then sucky experiance it was only a momentary blah till the real good stuff began I came out of that room stumbling with a broken shoe dazed and looking for my friend i found a group of ppl and went towards them and whos there?!?! MCR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw gerard
and was kicked up out of my daze! I went to get an autograph but he was walkin down the line away from me i saw mikey
on the side so yelled his name he came over *hes so sweet* and signed my pic of him i wanted a pic with him but i wasnt able to y i dunno..i saw ray
lol accidently called him mikey apologized and he took a pic and signed for me then here comes gerard my pulse was racing i was so excited this whole time i called to him and he signed my pic of him also and he took a pic with me leaning on his shoulder...we saw frank
and we all called to him he ran off but threw his hand up to signal he would be back he took some pix with the band and answered some questions and like he signaled came rite over *aint that cool?* he signed for me and took a pic with me too dam lady that took the pic did it wrong it looks kinda funny o well...i went back and saw the rest of the used and watched the encore i knew was coming thanx to gerard i forgot to say i missed bob he was too far from me to get a sig and a pic so i watched the encore of MCR...Gerard and Bert singin "Under Pressure" it was great the whole thing was i dont think id want to do everything again though..... ***PIX IN CELEB FOLDER*** oh yea i forgot they also ripped my shirt and i think i exposed my boobies to gerard and ray and mikey great huh my god if i wasnt so out of it i could of covered up it was so embarrassin!

I am not that much into celebreties...
- Prince took a girl from me (seems she was not worth it in the first place)
- With some actor I almost got into a fistfight (he was acting up towards a reception girl in a hotel)
- The dog of another actor tried to bite me (but that was ok as the dog did not get me and she was the best friend of a good friend of mine)
- Some actor I insulted artfully infront of a lot of people when working at a party where a new cd of some band was presented.
- a soccer star was part of the family till I got divorced and we never got along.
- One good thing so that you do not think I only fight with celebreties: One was my gf for a while and I will never forget her (also she would never call herself famous)