forever ends on my death bed. is this a self-centered, greedy assertion? or a noble philosophy. friendships, great romances and business contacts all hit a brick wall when my heart has thrown in the towel. and does not the world end? for in my mind, it is judgement. the sword of damocles will sink through my chest and ignite the world. doesn't it all become ash and smoke when we pass? forever ends in the blink of an eye.
Damn outsiders!!!!!!
Glad you liked my compliment on this entry. Do you write or anything?
You already know how I think you're a smartie so yeah. ha ha
And yeah that sucks about sunday not being able to go to the Wizards thing. IrishMykl had his bowling shirt signed, but you already saw that making a joke about him in DFW. ha ha He said they liked it though and want one. I've seen one before, there pretty badass. I know I want one!
And yes I should simmer the fuck down and should beat her fucken ass as well.