^^^that's the date^^^
isn't saying the pledge of allegiance in kindegarten kind of like brainwashing? they make you memorize all these big words you don't know and say it everyday. seems to me you shouldn't have to pledge loyalty to a country when you're only 5 years old. especially in terms that you don't understand. if they are going to make you do it, they can at least make you say it on your level.
i plej aleejens to the flag of the unitd states of amerka
an 2 tha repulik four wijit stands, 1 naeshun, under god, wif libertee and justis four all
why can't they just have the little ones say this:
i'll be good to the american flag
and to everyone else who lives here.
isn't saying the pledge of allegiance in kindegarten kind of like brainwashing? they make you memorize all these big words you don't know and say it everyday. seems to me you shouldn't have to pledge loyalty to a country when you're only 5 years old. especially in terms that you don't understand. if they are going to make you do it, they can at least make you say it on your level.
i plej aleejens to the flag of the unitd states of amerka
an 2 tha repulik four wijit stands, 1 naeshun, under god, wif libertee and justis four all
why can't they just have the little ones say this:
i'll be good to the american flag
and to everyone else who lives here.
I would get off myself even if I did get laid everyday.