I'm not a meteorologist, but I do believe it's rainin bitches!!!!
So when I was about the age 13, 14 at the oldest, I came across an issue of playboy. Well by the a boy is that age, playboy is almost g-rated but I checked it out, anyway. The centerfold caught my attention and for a number of years she was a favorite adult/nude/playboy model of mine.
I know this seems like TMI but I'm getting...
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I know this seems like TMI but I'm getting...
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Ha! Just re read that. Country singers, NFL players and playboy models. Seems pretty obvious I'm from Texas after that.
hah, cool!
Has anybody else noticed that in the commercial for the new Karate Kid movie, Jackie Chan yells at a young boy"Jacket off!!" he attempts to punch the boy. What kind of movie is this??
It's only slightly less perverted than "wax off".
The asshole is back. For a short while anyway.
you finally accepted the gift account that all former members got?
do what? i dunno i just came back to see if my account was still active.
i'm back. at least for one more shot. not sure how much longer tho.
you want a good time? have your rig break down on a country highway and not even being able to leave it to walk to a gas station, then having to wait for a little mexican guy in a corvette to bring me 3 gallons of oil, only to make it to my destination an hour late and missing about 3 hours of sleep only...
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wow. sleep? what is that? oh right, that thing where you close your eyes.
Freaking awesome...we saw it, too! Derby this Sat? I need some stats help...if you wanna...

It looks like you closed the back and took a fuzzy picture, lol What are the differences? lol I used to love those puzzles...haha
i work too much to blog.
i work too much to have anything to blog about. so i guess it works out.
of my five tickets i got recently, about 3 have now been dismissed. now to tackle that pesky little "state inspection" issue and i should be squared away.
i work too much to have anything to blog about. so i guess it works out.
of my five tickets i got recently, about 3 have now been dismissed. now to tackle that pesky little "state inspection" issue and i should be squared away.
well i just got back from ohio. my grandma went to the hospital on a friday for breathing problems and was diagnosed with a bacterial pneumonia. the docs ran a CT scan on her and found a mass in her lung. on sunday she was diagnosed with lung cancer. unfortunately the cancer had metastasized and spread to her lungs and across her abdomen. i flew...
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We were happy to help in anyway that we could. I know you were close to her, but I am so glad that you got the chance to make it out there. Give Shera hugs!

Coming to my birfday pawty?

fucking cancer.
i hear ya. 

I was real sorry to hear that, man. Hopefully things aren't as bad as they appear.