OK so not so funny any more but oh well
School starts soon and I'm not really looking too forward to that but oh well it's just one more step to the inevitable let down that is complete adulthood. To Grow up BLAH
I'm living like a 16 year old with daddy's credit card and mommys addiction to afternoon martini's with the angry wives club. Nothing else really makes much sence figure I might as well burn away sometime before the general demise of this pitiful planet. All in all a haroing thought but oh the sweet release in throwing all reason and caution to the wind. Most think I have it all so together, Kharnal you know differant. I'm here everyday on the boarderline of meloncholia and bliss, it's such a funny teetertotter ride I'm on. Jason didn't really get it as many don't since it's more a manifestation of how they are and just go with it.
I'm thinking my current mindset might lead me to the moment of light that will allow the birth of words and let me get that nobel prize or at least another fantastic meaningful work of intrinsic fiction that will make others think about that monotonous cycle of life that we are all racing around in, or at least make Oprah put it on her book club's list LOL.
So for those of you out there with goals Aim High Lofty is a good place.
For my goal rock bottom is the only way to purge it from my head and in that case I'll be happy with the paydays till then
School starts soon and I'm not really looking too forward to that but oh well it's just one more step to the inevitable let down that is complete adulthood. To Grow up BLAH
I'm living like a 16 year old with daddy's credit card and mommys addiction to afternoon martini's with the angry wives club. Nothing else really makes much sence figure I might as well burn away sometime before the general demise of this pitiful planet. All in all a haroing thought but oh the sweet release in throwing all reason and caution to the wind. Most think I have it all so together, Kharnal you know differant. I'm here everyday on the boarderline of meloncholia and bliss, it's such a funny teetertotter ride I'm on. Jason didn't really get it as many don't since it's more a manifestation of how they are and just go with it.
I'm thinking my current mindset might lead me to the moment of light that will allow the birth of words and let me get that nobel prize or at least another fantastic meaningful work of intrinsic fiction that will make others think about that monotonous cycle of life that we are all racing around in, or at least make Oprah put it on her book club's list LOL.
So for those of you out there with goals Aim High Lofty is a good place.
For my goal rock bottom is the only way to purge it from my head and in that case I'll be happy with the paydays till then

The awesome band DISMANTLED will be playing tonight at The French Quarter (5800 Phillips Highway / Near the corner of Phillips and University Blvd.) Its 18+, doors open at 9PM, still not sure how much it is to get in.