OK, soooo friggin sorry for not writing in this thing for soooo friggin long. I was supposed to do some really cool things this month but as usual life gave me a bushel of lemons so here I am trying to get things back together.
School is driving me nuts but more spacifically it's the combination of work and school my schedule has changed three times in the past month so I'm a little frazzled. UGH LIFE!
I fully intend to write more in here so as to keep in contact with all you beautiful people, more importantly though THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO much for the birthday wishes. I would have thanked you guys sooner if I had seen them. By the way if Kharnal could gimme a call sometime I would really appreciate it!
School is driving me nuts but more spacifically it's the combination of work and school my schedule has changed three times in the past month so I'm a little frazzled. UGH LIFE!
I fully intend to write more in here so as to keep in contact with all you beautiful people, more importantly though THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO much for the birthday wishes. I would have thanked you guys sooner if I had seen them. By the way if Kharnal could gimme a call sometime I would really appreciate it!
Hey! You're alive! Thats awesome!
Sorry to hear things have been so crazed with you as of late. I really hope the good vibes start flowing your way soon!

You still alive out there? Hows the book coming? Hope your ok!