so the last journal entry was me frustrated this one is me pissed.
I'm two steps away from walking over and kicking the face in. Fuuuuuuuuuuck All! I don't wanna sound like someone else but GD should I just roll over and play with myself........I think I shall.
Other than that life is great, my shit is getting straightened out and if my work got...
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I'm two steps away from walking over and kicking the face in. Fuuuuuuuuuuck All! I don't wanna sound like someone else but GD should I just roll over and play with myself........I think I shall.
Other than that life is great, my shit is getting straightened out and if my work got...
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so... you're going nuts about not having sex.. and you're doing it to yourself....
Sorry to hear about the er...tension? Hope you get what you need soon
Glad to hear evertything else is good though!

so this is what sexual frustration feels like.....oh yeah been here before it's been a while.....time to go trolling.
So here's my question how long does one wait before breaking the akward, "I want ass" silence??? Anybody???
Yeah 4 days too many especially since it's ight before out of commision time, WTF guys suck sometimes, esp when you know they wer looking at ex gf...
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So here's my question how long does one wait before breaking the akward, "I want ass" silence??? Anybody???
Yeah 4 days too many especially since it's ight before out of commision time, WTF guys suck sometimes, esp when you know they wer looking at ex gf...
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OK so not so funny any more but oh well
School starts soon and I'm not really looking too forward to that but oh well it's just one more step to the inevitable let down that is complete adulthood. To Grow up BLAH
I'm living like a 16 year old with daddy's credit card and mommys addiction to afternoon martini's with the angry wives club....
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School starts soon and I'm not really looking too forward to that but oh well it's just one more step to the inevitable let down that is complete adulthood. To Grow up BLAH
I'm living like a 16 year old with daddy's credit card and mommys addiction to afternoon martini's with the angry wives club....
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The awesome band DISMANTLED will be playing tonight at The French Quarter (5800 Phillips Highway / Near the corner of Phillips and University Blvd.) Its 18+, doors open at 9PM, still not sure how much it is to get in.
Isn't it funny
Somehow you think that you have Everything figured out.....then you don't, Dawn, you can second that.
well life is great no complaints as of yet but give me time I will have many, as I'm sure we all do.
Considering the bitchfestes I've posted in the past lets just say WOW I'm in a mentally good place thanks to weekend benders and...
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Somehow you think that you have Everything figured out.....then you don't, Dawn, you can second that.
well life is great no complaints as of yet but give me time I will have many, as I'm sure we all do.
Considering the bitchfestes I've posted in the past lets just say WOW I'm in a mentally good place thanks to weekend benders and...
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OK, soooo friggin sorry for not writing in this thing for soooo friggin long. I was supposed to do some really cool things this month but as usual life gave me a bushel of lemons so here I am trying to get things back together.
School is driving me nuts but more spacifically it's the combination of work and school my schedule has changed three...
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School is driving me nuts but more spacifically it's the combination of work and school my schedule has changed three...
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Hey! You're alive! Thats awesome!
Sorry to hear things have been so crazed with you as of late. I really hope the good vibes start flowing your way soon!

You still alive out there? Hows the book coming? Hope your ok!
Ok so in the mire that is my life there is nothing really interesting going on at all. Sort of sad really. However, I have spent an ungodly amount of time watching DVD's amoung other forms of entertainment. frequent flier miles that is all I have to say, those of you who know me will know that figure of speech. I am attempting to write...
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Happy birthday!

I went to a con this weekend and had more fun than should be legal, ok that's an overstatement, but I did get to party and hang with Voltaire.
I also just bought a really nice brandnew corset, I Loooooove it. It's a black and red broquade and it's an actual training corset. It puts my tits at my neck, but it's the price you...
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I also just bought a really nice brandnew corset, I Loooooove it. It's a black and red broquade and it's an actual training corset. It puts my tits at my neck, but it's the price you...
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update your friggin journal already. sheesh.
and you know, we could use some pics of you....
update your friggin journal already. sheesh.
and you know, we could use some pics of you....
Hey luner, are you ever on this thing? I'd love to chat with a fellow Jax dweller. Hope to hear from you soon!
so it's two thirty on finals week and I'm chillin in the applied global systems lab at UNF, ok so what is GS? I haven't got a fucking clue, but I'm hanging out with the nerdy of the nerds and they are the greatest!
Work sux but what's new, I have got to get another job!
I'm going to Baltimore this weekend and I have...
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Work sux but what's new, I have got to get another job!
I'm going to Baltimore this weekend and I have...
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i haven't heard anything by the yeah yeah yeahs.
update already!!! jeeeze.
Well it's been so long since I've updated this.
Nothin much is happening other than school being Horrid, but since I complain about that all the time I'd like to take the opportunity to appreciate what a georgous day it is out side.
I't chilly but only enough to make it light jacket weather.
The sun is shining and the birds are singing.
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Well it's been so long since I've updated this.
Nothin much is happening other than school being Horrid, but since I complain about that all the time I'd like to take the opportunity to appreciate what a georgous day it is out side.
I't chilly but only enough to make it light jacket weather.
The sun is shining and the birds are singing.
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ack! congrats! is it one of the big houses in your neighborhood?
let me know when you're planning on coming up asap so i can take the time off...
let me know when you're planning on coming up asap so i can take the time off...
bring the both of you...i have a guest room, and banks can sleep on the biggie.
the house sounds lovely. you need to email me some pictures!

the house sounds lovely. you need to email me some pictures!

OK so now everyone knows, I went to the SG Burlesque show. And to all those who came, good going! get the word out that this site is great.
And for those of you who didn't go, FOR SHAME! *waggs a disapproving finger at all of you*
Oh the ewy gewy mess of it all was wonderful. Violet did amazingly.
I have a new respect...
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And for those of you who didn't go, FOR SHAME! *waggs a disapproving finger at all of you*
Oh the ewy gewy mess of it all was wonderful. Violet did amazingly.
I have a new respect...
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a special interest group on this website. you sign up and they keep everyone posted on what's going on with the SG burlesque tour.
and awww...i think she's super hot. thanks! tegan's my favorite!
and awww...i think she's super hot. thanks! tegan's my favorite!
it's the him that's back on my friends list after being gone for awhile.
my favorite color.
my favorite color.
I voted for Bush once I'm not gonna do it again.
He just gets on my nerves now. i think I'm voting for Edwards, I'm independant but I'm really rooting for the Democrats as long as it's not Dean, ugh he's icky
He just gets on my nerves now. i think I'm voting for Edwards, I'm independant but I'm really rooting for the Democrats as long as it's not Dean, ugh he's icky
Hi there. Wow I found you with very little trouble. I was the guy in front of you at the Jacksonville SG show that tried to hold your spot, accidentally knocked your boob when I took off my shirt and had my friend in front of me get all of the action! I rejoined (obviously). I added you to my my friends list. Hope to talk to you later.
you went to the SG burlesque show and didn't tell me? ack!!!
I voted for Bush once I'm not gonna do it again.
He just gets on my nerves now. i think I'm voting for Edwards, I'm independant but I'm really rooting for the Democrats as long as it's not Dean, ugh he's icky
He just gets on my nerves now. i think I'm voting for Edwards, I'm independant but I'm really rooting for the Democrats as long as it's not Dean, ugh he's icky