I don't really have anything interesting to say today (or any day actually) but I'm hella bored so I thought I'd just kind of ramble until I can think of a topic.
Still haven't done the outline for my german project, which is bad considering it's worth like half the project grade and the project grade is worth 25% of my final grade. It's just...
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Still haven't done the outline for my german project, which is bad considering it's worth like half the project grade and the project grade is worth 25% of my final grade. It's just...
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I wish you best of luck in your project beautiful! 

Aw, thanks! 

Tuesday Boozeday! Ha, I wish! Today is all about homework and working on projects for german class. Its been a lazy day.
It really does. I've been obsessed with the books since like...5th grade maybe, so this is like a dream come true to me lol. Of course, it going to be a WHILE before I make my way there 

Yea, but it'll probably be better to visit there in a while anyway, I can't even begin to imagine how crammed full of people that place is gonna be for the first year, at least!
Ah, saturday. How I've been longing for you all week. Now you're here and it turns out you suck just as much as those other asshole days!
My saturday was boring as hell. Spent it washing clothes and cleaning, ugh I feel like my grandmother! Oh and to top off the crap sandwhich that was my day, a boy that I was totally into but...
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My saturday was boring as hell. Spent it washing clothes and cleaning, ugh I feel like my grandmother! Oh and to top off the crap sandwhich that was my day, a boy that I was totally into but...
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tomorrow is my saturday, ill be dong the same thing, washing, cleaning and taking care of a few things for my own business. kinda sucks sometimes but since i cant afford to pay someone to do it, i gotta take of it myself. welcome btw.
Thanks, I'm really loving SG so far! And yea, sometimes stuff just has to get done. And even if I ever am able to afford to pay someone else to do it, I'll always end up doing it myself anyway... I'm very particular LOL.
Well, I guess it's about time I post a blog. If only my life was interesting enough to write about. I'll just start with my week, how does that sound?
Earlier this week was 4/20, just in case you've been living under a rock or have just come out of a 20 year coma, 4/20 is "international" pot smoking day. I feel we like to...
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Earlier this week was 4/20, just in case you've been living under a rock or have just come out of a 20 year coma, 4/20 is "international" pot smoking day. I feel we like to...
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