Alright kiddies. I've added a new album to my pictures...not quite as exciting as the others. I'm actually clothed in these pics. so check them out. I'm moving in a week to montreal. i'm so disorganized. but i'll manage. I met someone off off this site yesterday. It was fun as hell. seriously! the first non-gay person i've met off the internet. what else is new? i don't know. just been working alot. if any of you live in the area and wanna see me dance. just ask. i'll hook you up with directions. I don't have all that much going on in life lately. I stil;l haven't seen xmen3...i'm so behind on the times. I'm going to Vegas in feb. that should be sweeeet. im so gonna get a tat done at hart n huntingtons. fo sho!!!! uh yeah. that's it for now.

yo V where u at dudeeeeee???

hi, I found you thru a post on a board just awhile ago, andm ust confess to say I dont understand why YOU arent an SG =) that'd rock *Winkwink* so um you should apply. (or whatever they do) by far one of the sexiest girls on this entire site SG on non,
and your nintendo tee was cute~