Back on this again... hardly ever check the e-mail address that is linked to this account. New website looks pretty good. Kinda sad I missed the Black Heart Burlesque when it came here to Charlotte last month. I had a really good time when they came circa 2007. Well let's see how long I stick around! :)
Wow it's been over a year since I last posted something here,, alot has gone on since then,, got diagnosed with pre-diabetes,, so major weight loss was in order,, been in one of the most fucked up relationships I've been in,, 07 has had its ups and downs,, but overall it's been a good year.
I don't find myself updating as much on here anymore,, well there hasn't been a lot of new stuff going on in my life,, went to NJ about couple weeks back to see some old friends Pics here
So my ex and I finally began talking again.. feels kinda weird though,, like something is not finished,, something is not being said,, but oh well,, time will tell,, it's been a while since I updated this thing,, everything is pretty much the same,, oh yeah I get an endoscopy done tomorrow,, they gonna sedate me and shor a tube down my esophagus so they...
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Happy Birthday!
happy happy
happy happy
happy happy happy birthday
happy happy
happy happy happy birthday
I'm a fan of the $5.00 soda myself

oh poor baby ulcers suck ass
hope your felling better
and if it makes you fell any better that same bottle of water cost $5 out here
hope your felling better
and if it makes you fell any better that same bottle of water cost $5 out here
So I'm sittin here at work bored out my ass and it's only 1:38,,, I'm really contemplating just going home.
welcome to Concord....

Isn't sprawl great?

"It's not about fucking and balls and pussy. It's about love, it's about people, and it's about connection. It's not about tossing salad, it's not about cock and ass and tits and butt-hole pleasures. It's not about his rusty trombone and dirty sanchez; it's not about rainbow showers and the chemical slide. And Cincinnati bowtie, your ray ban goggles and your hot car. And pearl...
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Well well happy new years to y'all.

Merry Christmas to y'all,, hope everyone had a good one,, naughty or nice
,,, Man it sucks that I gotta go to work tomorrow, I'm kinda excited about going to Charleston for new years,, it oughtta be wild.

ahh thanks and hope your holidaying is super awsome too
Thanks man! Glad it is over really.