Thanks to MissTrouble and A_Vanity for the birthday wishes. Much appreaciated.
I'm thinking about seeing that new Tom Cruise movie War of the Worlds. Well, it's not really new but it's new to me since I haven't seen it. The only thing is that I heard the ending sucked massive ass. Everyone that I ask that's seen it says that it's really good all the way up to the ending and then it's down hill. Any comments about that?

I'm thinking about seeing that new Tom Cruise movie War of the Worlds. Well, it's not really new but it's new to me since I haven't seen it. The only thing is that I heard the ending sucked massive ass. Everyone that I ask that's seen it says that it's really good all the way up to the ending and then it's down hill. Any comments about that?

I thought War Of The Worlds was a bit disappointing in the end, but I kinda already knew how it ended about 30 seconds into the movie, so it didn't hit me as hard as it hits people who don't know anything about the original movie's ending. I'd say that if you haven't checked it out yet, go for it.
well to me they are deflated, before i lost weight and had children they are now a shadow of their former glory.