My audience is God
because who the hell else could underestand me?
Who else has died twice?
Aren't you going to say something? he says.
hmm? You wanted an answer to that?
You tell me two girls are in love with you and
you want them both
*sigh*..fine..I am no authority on sane living but
I guess messy, complicated love is better
then no love.
Don't look at me like that, it's all I got,
were you expecting more?
maybe if I say it in French it will sound more
I look at him with a sort of wonder
or is it envy?
Listen, I say to him,
Trust me, your very lucky
some of us are sticking pins in our
flesh everyday to assure ourselves that we
can still feel,
that we still bleed
and that we are still living.
1:30 am My fever is down and I am sitting in bed eating take out sushi, and grilled seafood over rice, while watching crappy tv. Does life get much better then this? I think not..simple things make me happy
