The boston get together was last night and today there are many people I would like to thank..
First and formost many, many thanks to strio who went beyond the call of duty and stood outside on a cell phone giving me directions to Redbones after I got pathetically lost, over and over again, and then helped me find a parking space and helped me find my car afterwards!! you are the greatest!!!
Thanks to my beautiful and sweet paleenchantress for allowing me to call her a gazillion times while I was lost, the wonderful gifts (i
them) and for the sweet kisses..YUM!
Many thanks to Bailey for the big hello hug, and for asking to make out with me just for the experience!! (though we didn't actually get to but Blondie did ..lucky girl)
Bailey ROCKS!!!
Thanks to Edea for the bracelet she made and to Pip for the shrinky dink key chain..they came out awsome!
Many thanks to dorinda and actuallynotyou for getting me back to the Mass Pike..or I would have ended up pathetically lost AGAIN!
and last but not least MANY, MANY thank yous to my ex who spent most of the afternoon trying to recover the pictures I took and foolishly deleted from my camera after uploading them , only to have my computer crash and lose everything.
Kisses to scarlett and Gingerlie they are beautiful!
Ps. I will be adding pictures to my pic file as they are recovered..
Look out people..TNS Superstar& I are going shot for shot tonight..get ready for some drunken journal bombing..woot..woot!!
First and formost many, many thanks to strio who went beyond the call of duty and stood outside on a cell phone giving me directions to Redbones after I got pathetically lost, over and over again, and then helped me find a parking space and helped me find my car afterwards!! you are the greatest!!!
Thanks to my beautiful and sweet paleenchantress for allowing me to call her a gazillion times while I was lost, the wonderful gifts (i

Many thanks to Bailey for the big hello hug, and for asking to make out with me just for the experience!! (though we didn't actually get to but Blondie did ..lucky girl)

Thanks to Edea for the bracelet she made and to Pip for the shrinky dink key chain..they came out awsome!
Many thanks to dorinda and actuallynotyou for getting me back to the Mass Pike..or I would have ended up pathetically lost AGAIN!
and last but not least MANY, MANY thank yous to my ex who spent most of the afternoon trying to recover the pictures I took and foolishly deleted from my camera after uploading them , only to have my computer crash and lose everything.
Kisses to scarlett and Gingerlie they are beautiful!
Ps. I will be adding pictures to my pic file as they are recovered..

Look out people..TNS Superstar& I are going shot for shot tonight..get ready for some drunken journal bombing..woot..woot!!
It sounds like you had fun. I hope the weather has picked up for you. It has been nice here the last couple days and since Oregon spawns the bad weather, it should be nice everywhere else too.
Sounds like the world was a bit complicated for you this evening...You have my support as I sympathize.