Today was a fun day
It FINALLY stopped raining
got to meet and have lunch with lovely and beautiful
much fun was had in a store photobooth
(get your mind out of the gutter people)
but I i must tell you, she looks stunning in a red boa..
es to you all.
Ps. Gingerlie, wish you could have joined us
We will see you on the 27th
It FINALLY stopped raining
got to meet and have lunch with lovely and beautiful
much fun was had in a store photobooth
(get your mind out of the gutter people)
but I i must tell you, she looks stunning in a red boa..

Ps. Gingerlie, wish you could have joined us

glad you had fun. you should see ME in a red boa. actually, i could show you me with a brown and tan boa. or two. i suppose i could paint them red but that might be a little mean. nevermind.